
Friday, April 25, 2014

A chart that tells you where to start if you want to explore Discworld

The title says it all. Ever wanted to dig into Terry Pratchett's magnum opus? As with anything huge, a guide often  helps.
Have a favorite Discworld novel? Please share it in the comments.


  1. Someone said to start with Going Postal (the first Moist von Lipwig novel) which while a newer one wasn't really a bad place to start since there wasn't too much from the other series in them. But then later I went back and acquired them all and read them in order. It was sort of fun to buy them as I bought up lots on EBay and thus ended up with a few doubles (or triples of one I think) sort of like collecting baseball cards.

    It probably says something about me that my favorite character is DEATH; he always gets the snappy one-liners.

  2. That's so weird, that same chart made the rounds about a year ago, and I'm seeing it everywhere again this week. I actually used it to select my first discworld book. Which I hated. So I quietly put it aside and don't intend on reading any more. I know there are legions of die hard fans out there, but I'm not among them.

  3. @Rusty: I recently started exploring them so I'm using the chart I found online too.

  4. This is good. I tried reading a book by this author once but got confused and didn't like it. Maybe this chart will bring some order and I can try again. Thanks.

  5. I sadly haven't read this either. At least I have a guide for when I do. :)

  6. I still haven't started Prachett, although I have a couple of his books somewhere. (Well, I've read Good Omens, but that one doesn't quite count.)

  7. Haven't read them yet. I keep thinking I might, but just never get around to it. Kind of intimidated by the fact you need a chart to figure out how to begin. :P

  8. I think I read about the first 15 before I gave up. The first two were the best by far.

    Moody Writing

  9. I haven't read Terry Pratchett and I'm so out of it (per usual) that I had to look up Discworld. Maybe one of these days I'll catch up on all my reading.

  10. I saw that on io9. Was it yesterday? Well, I didn't have a chance to check out the article. Yet.

    Favorite Discworld novel... Hmmm... I like the Vimes books. And the witches. Anything with Death. And the Librarian. That doesn't really narrow it down, does it?

  11. This is an unexplored place for me. Happy weekend.

  12. This is handy! I started with The Wee Free Men. I think I read 3 in that series. I always mean to get back to Pratchett's world.
