
Wednesday, February 12, 2014

If I were in charge of Hollywood, every one of Hickman and Weis' books would be made into a movie

I have never met Tracy Hickman or Margaret Weis, but I've read the trilogy that kicked off Dragonlance and then the whole War of the Twins plotline. I've also read the trilogy that includes Rose of the Prophet. Based off this alone, I'd turn all of their stories into a movie. Io9 got me thinking about this with their article published yesterday (READ IT HERE), and I agree with most everything that's been said regarding Dragonlance. 

But I guess I'm not in charge of anything. However, I can add my voice to the silent multitude that asks, "How can you not look at this painting of Takhisis and Raistlin and not think OMG THIS IS THE COOLEST THING EVER!!??"

Seriously Hollywood, stop making Vampire Academy movies and give us fantasy lovers out here what we really desire: a story much different than "The Lord of the Rings" that's part of the fantasy zeitgeist. We will shower you with greenbacks if you do.

At least I will. I cannot speak with regard to my readers out there.

Have a great Wednesday.

And isn't that picture just the most awesome thing ever? 


  1. Can someone put you in charge? If it were up to a vote, you'd definitely have mine. That artwork is beautiful, btw...

  2. Oh---and I always get a kick at your page views every time I come here... you're inching up to a million pretty fast... AMAZING.

  3. Here I thought you were going to be lazy and blow off blogging today. The problem is in today's world to make a movie like that you need about $200M and without a brand name you're probably not going to make that back.

    On the previews for the Ender's Game DVD (Yes I am a horrible person, but I rented it from Netflix so there) there was one for "Divergent" which is the next big YA book series-turned-movie flop. How many of these are they going to try before they realize only the cream of the crop (Potter, Twilight, Hunger Games) makes it as a movie?

  4. That art is absolutely beautiful. YES! Can you go to Hollywood then? Purty please? That would be bodacious. I just (I read and type) read Pat's comment since it's above mine. I guess that's right. COST! But there has got to be a way to reduce that. YOU could find that way! It's snowing here. Woot!

  5. Be careful what you wish for, I can see Hollywood producing an epic dragon turd of a movie. Anyway, Peter Jackson probably has a version of Appendix C of The Silmarillion in the works as we speak (a trilogy, of course).

    Moody Writing

  6. I absolutely LOOOOOOVE The Rose of the Prophet trilogy! One of the their best in my opinion, before they started writing books only to promote games.

    Have you read the series Weiss did by herself, The Star of the Guardians? It's more Space Opera than Fantasy, but every bit as good as the early stuff she wrote with Hickman.

  7. Yes, that picture is the most awesome thing ever.

    I think we as a people (fantasy geeks) have power. We just have to find the right person to lobby. I bet we could get this made. Just look at what io9 did there. Got you talking about it. If we get enough of a dialog out there, someone who can make this happen can make this happen.

    Maybe I'm just a Pollyanna...

  8. I can't believe they made another vampire movie. For me, I've had enough YA fantasy made into movies. Give us some adult stuff.

  9. Every time I see the ad for Vampire Academy, I change the channel. It's so lame.

  10. Love the artwork. I saw a little of Vampire Academy..didn't think it was that good.

  11. I totally agree! Raistlin is my favorite character from Hickman and Weis' books. A series of movies focused on him alone would be amazing.

  12. It is epically awesome. And I'm in the mood for awesome...going to go add at least one of these books to my to-read list, mi scuzi...

  13. Vampire Academy looks so terrible! I would love to see Tracy Hickman and Margaret Weis's books turned into movies or premium channel shows. I want to add The Death Gate Cycle books to the list.

  14. I wish more people like you were in charge of greenlighting movies and shows because you'd produce what you love. Too many suits and bean counters are in charge in Hollywood, it seems, instead of storytellers who are passionate about the story.

  15. An excellent partnership as authors. I love their books.


  16. I agree that the illustration is lovely. I wonder about market studies on what sells to movie goers. I mean, the LOTR series made a zillion dollars. And look at how Star Wars broke ground back in the day with getting sci-fi fantasy into the hearts of every mover goer. Yes. Hollywood should listen to you. :) I look forward to seeing you next week!!

  17. That is a very cool picture! The poses of the dragons look so realistic.

  18. given the fact how badly VAMPIRE ACADEMY flopped at the box office this weekend, they probably won't be accepting any new students :)
    I do wish dragons would become a new trend in Hollywood!

  19. i would LOVE LOVE LOVE a Rose of the Prophet movie! I love that trilogy so hard and have read my copies into pieces.

    I used to love Dragonlance as a teen, but i'm not sure it holds up for me as an adult.

    But yes, as a teen, i was like Ermagherd! Dragonlance!

  20. There is a ton of fantasy out there that should be turned into movies or series, tons! So I'd be okay with these works too.

    And it is a great pic.
