
Tuesday, October 1, 2013

This two-minute short will make you believe the world is ready for a Wonder Woman movie

Click to Embiggen
I own the above issue that came out in the eighties. If you can't tell, it's Wonder Woman #1 featuring a full reboot complete with origin story of the iconic character. I mostly bought it because George Perez moved from The New Titans to launch Wonder Woman and give the character the sendoff she deserved (Perez is my favorite comic book artist).

What led me to this little rant today is a post I found on io9, which caught my eye. It was a two-minute short created by amateurs featuring Wonder Woman (albeit with some artistic license), and I absolutely loved it. This makes me question, why hasn't Wonder Woman been greenlit for her own movie? They gave one to Green Lantern (which still makes me cringe) and Wonder Woman's origin story is way better than Green Lantern's. Just look for yourself at the above spread. Doesn't that panel just hint at the awesomeness contained within? You have Hercules holding Diana in chains (where her bracers that deflect bullets and her strength come from) not to mention all of her other cool magic items. In a nutshell, this origin story is pretty darn amazing.

It's immersed in Greek mythology. You can't tell me that Greek mythology doesn't make money, because it totally does. Think of Percy Jackson and all of his adventures. Want another example? How about the two Clash of the Titans remakes. Sure they're terrible, but they ring the register every single time.

This two-minute short will make you believe the world is ready for a Wonder Woman movie. Please watch it. You won't regret it.


  1. I don't think the last Percy Jackson movie rang much at the register. At least not in this country. Still, Wonder Woman is one of DC's top 3 properties and not to utilize that is just negligent on their part.

  2. Great trailer, and I like the cool manner of this female. I like a strong female character with extra magic.

    I agree, why hasn't WW had her own movie?

  3. Okay, I was skeptical, but that Wonder Woman video does look captivating.

  4. I hope the studios do not screw this up. Wonder Woman can be a very scuccessfu1 series. I'm 1ooking forward to it.

  5. It's sad how hard it is for female heroes to get their own movies made. Wonder Woman deserves her own movie most definitely.

  6. If Xena can survive on TV for 5 years, a Wonder Woman movie should be possible. Except DC can't seem to manage anything. They just got lucky with the whole Nolan/Batman thing.

  7. I'm totally ready for a Wonder Woman movie!! My childhood fave.

  8. I would be totally down for a movie! As long as they don't dress her in that for the entire thing... I mean, I don't really want to stare at female objectification for two hours. #feministrant.

    The short is really good.

  9. I think the problem with female superheroes is the personality (or lack). They all have pretty much the same attitude and approach and it isn't very interesting (You have underestimated me you foolish man!).

    The difference between say Iron Man and Batman as men is very clear, even though both are billionaire playboys on the surface. I don't think the same can be said for Wonder Woman and Power Girl or even Black Widow. All poorly written with huge racks.


  10. Saw this earlier, and think it looks great! Come on, DC peeps! If Marvel can make something like Thor work on film, why not WW? :)

  11. Id accept WONDER WOMAN movie only if Lyn Collins gets the lead role :)
    On a sad front, ATLANTIS was rather boring in the first episode :( ... but it did feature full naked Jason on the beach :P

  12. Wonder Woman deserves to have her own movie!

  13. I was just watching an American Masters I DVRed a while ago about Billie Jean King. So...

    It's a conspiracy, I tell you! The male power elite are trying to keep the woman superhero down. We must protest! We must...

    Okay, I'm done.

  14. I read that post on iO9, and watched the short, and got just as irritated that there is STILL no movie, and a ton of articles about how it's "just too tricky". Give me a break. It's not too tricky. Come on now, people!

  15. it'd get a lot of people in the theater.
