
Thursday, September 26, 2013

Find out what's at the center of a black hole with an animation explaining some of Stephen Hawking's big ideas

Renowned physicist Stephen Hawking has a new book out. I read his last one called The Grand Design and liked how it explored the dual slit experiment. It provided some inspiration for one of my stories. Sometimes though, his ideas can be difficult to grasp. I love this cartoon that boils them down and provides answers to some of the hardest questions like:

1) What's at the center of a black hole?
2) What happens at the edge of a black hole?
3) Why is Stephen Hawking our most famous living scientist?

In the least, it's the cutest portrayal of Hawking radiation ever even though some old Disney fans might miss this guy:
I sincerely hope I'm not the only one who gets this picture. That will only confirm how truly old I am. Have a great Thursday.


  1. I only know what that picture is thanks to a sketch on Robot Chicken. I may have seen "The Black Hole" when I was a kid though I think I often mix it up with "Silent Running" because they're both on a ship with robots doing boring stuff.

  2. crap, can't watch the video on my work PC. I'll check it out later

  3. Thanks for sharing. Now I can talk to my husband about this video as he is always interested in Science and scientists. I was confused between Dawkins and Hawkins.

  4. We just had a very informative conversation about Mr.Hawkins and his paraplegic condition. Now I am not confused any more.

  5. I liked that movie. I even showed it to my kids a few years ago.

  6. That movie gave me the chills. (The pic was from The Black Hole, right?) I'm not quite sure why. It might have been my age when I saw it and the venue (I believe we saw it in a drive in).

  7. You are so young, relatively speaking about myself, but I recognized the picture. Hawking's mind is amazing.

  8. I heard him speak of black holes a few times. Complicated stuff indeed.

  9. Thanks for sharing the Stephen hawking video. It helped me understand his complex mind a bit better.

  10. One more vote for "The Black Hole" which I remember vaguely from when I was a kid. I do remember the pop-up book I had from the movie very vividly for some reason. I loved that book.

    I've always wandered if matter continues to collapse at the center of a black hole, you know, since it's already broken the rule book of physics (I thought the man said 'rubik' of physics at first, and was like, whaaaa?)

    Anyhow, I'd think not, since we're already punching holes though spacetime with it anyway, but still, I mean, what actually happens to the matter itself?

    Shoot, nevermind, if I can't even articulate the question, even a rhetorical one, I need to stop typing.

  11. Caught your interview over at Yolanda's too. Have a good weekend Mike.


  12. I haven't read The Grand Design, it might be too much for me, but I do like the video, very cute and informative.
