
Friday, August 2, 2013

Dennis Rodman you are the new Jane Fonda. And that sir is not a compliment.

This is a rant.

For those of you who may not know, Jane Fonda toured North Vietnam in 1972. She cozied up to the enemy, posing for photo ops with communist troops, and broadcasted anti-American propoganda over Radio Hanoi.

She also participated in a staged press conference with American servicemen held captive by the Viet Cong, the purpose of which was to "prove" that the POWs were not being mistreated by their captors. Years later when the released POWs described the very real torture and degradation they suffered at the hands of the North Vietnamese, Fonda called them "hypocrites and liars."
"I deserve the Nobel Peace Prize." 
Her behavior at the time, considered treasonous by some, earned her the nickname "Hanoi Jane." I really do think that what she did was unforgivably idiotic and that she should be reminded of that every single day. Tried for treason though...I probably wouldn't go that far. However, I digress. I thought all of that could NEVER happen again.

But then, I underestimated Dennis Rodman.

Now admittedly, we are not in a "state of war" with North Korea, so the situation isn't exactly the same now as it was then. However, I view North Korea as a totalitarian dystopian society in the grip of an all-powerful despot who is definitely "not on friendly terms" with the United States. They recently had television commercials showing our president burning in flames. Make no mistake...this isn't flattering. It's meant to insult every single one of us because our president is the elected representative of the majority of the people in this country.
Sure, we make fun of them too. Just look at the movie "Team America." However, that's what you get when you're the one house at the end of the block that's chosen to surround itself in barbed wire and filled the rooms up with explosives so that you can threaten every other house on the block that you'll blow everything up if they don't bring free food to your door. That's what you get for being a crazy "nut bag" that no one likes.

Anyway, seeing Dennis Rodman over there in North Korea (and going again in August), calling Kim Jong Un a "friend for life", getting photo ops with him, and then inviting him to come and visit the U.S. (WTF?!?) at a time when their leader on a daily basis threatens "miserable destruction" is the most IDIOTIC THING SINCE JANE FONDA.

It really does gall me that he's going back again in August. Yes, you read that right. He's crossing the border once again to go and party it up with his bud in the palace where (I'm sure) there are lots of skinny Korean women waiting for him to have sex with in Kim's palace (some of them are probably there against their will).

Dennis Rodman you are the new Hanoi Jane. And that sir, is not a compliment. I just hope the Nobel committee has enough sense to never award Rodman the Nobel Peace Prize like he suggested in July of this year.


  1. It is disgusting. Amazing that they believe the lies of dictators...either very gullible or totally lacking in brain cells.

    I agree with your rant. Well said sir.

  2. I'm a US patriot, and pro military. I don't always agree with my government's philosophy/actions, but I don't know the whole story regarding world politics either.

    I don't overly critise my government because I just don't think I'm given all the info, and even if I was, I wouldn't understand all the world issues involved.

    Just me though. When there is a one world government, I'll have a voice in how planet EARTH runs government. Until then, I support my country.


  3. Wonder if they'll put him on a no fly list?

    Great rant!

  4. Rodman is NOT going to bring peace with North Korea. He's there because Kim Jong Un is a big fan of the Bulls from that time period. (Which also bring up the irony of someone hating our country and yet loving things in our pop culture.)
    Men in Black did say Rodman was an alien...

  5. Well played, Offutt. Well played :)

  6. Wouldn't it be interesting if somehow Rodman ended up getting stuck over there when Kim Jong Un decides he doesn't like him anymore? Imagine the news coverage. *grin*

    I saw a documentary on North Korea recently about a camera crew that snuck in with a doctor. It was so disturbing the way the people are cut off and how they're brainwashed. Then there are those prison camps. It's one big evil cult and just watching that was like a horror movie where people were turned into drones. So sad. :(

  7. I have no idea what sort of good Rodman thought he did. Whatever though

  8. It would be nice if the next time he goes over there he straps some explosives to himself.

  9. Jane Fonda is a hero for doing what she did back in those days when your country attacked another one and killed who knows how many thousands and thousands of innocent people in a country which never attacked you.
    And it's true that North Korea has a bad political system, and deserve tones of criticism and need changes, but at least they don't go around the planet killing, robbing and destroying millions of foreign people lives in order to build modern colonies which they then milk for good.

  10. @Dezmond: You should read "When Heaven and Earth Changed Places" by Le Ly Hayslip. You'll see how well the Vietnamese treated their own.

    There are always going to be two sides to a war. To expect a country to stand idle whike watching butchery take place during a civil war and one that involves an ally is stupid.

    I think foreign policy is much more complex than wanton "killing and robbing" for the sake of milking colonies forever (as you suggest). In fact, it is foreign involvement in other countries that costs the U.S. a ton of money each year.

    If you are suggesting that the U.S. should adopt a policy of ignoring the world's issues and stop meddling in other people's business, then I also think you're wrong, ESPECIALLY where nuclear weapons are concerned and can be sold to terrorist organizations.

  11. I understand that Rodman wasn't the first choice to go to North Korea. That honor fell to Michael Jordan, who wisely turned down the honor.

    Back to Jane Fonda, she was right about that war; our government was lying to us right and left. As far as I'm concerned, let he or she who is without sin cast the first stone, and that won't be me. Like Jane, I made stupid comments in my youth and committed acts I'm not proud of.

  12. The problem with people like Fonda and Rodman is the hypocrisy. If you believe in the other side's principles, philosophies, etc., then embrace it. Remember, Jane Fonda is the daughter of a movie star. She was born into wealth and privilege. At any time while she was "cozying up" to the enemy, did she give that up? Not that I know of.

    It's one thing to be antiwar. Hell, I'm antiwar (don't get me started on Iraq and Afghanistan), but if you're going so far as to be a guest of the enemy, then make a choice. Stand by the country that gave you your cushy life style or give it up.

    As for Rodman, I never liked the guy (despite having grown up in the Chicago area). My argument is the same: you've benefited immensely from this country (which by itself might be an argument that we're screwed up), so stand by us or stop profiting from us.

    There are a lot of legitimate gripes about the US, and everyone is entitled to live their own lives. I just can't stand hypocrites, though.

  13. I'm pretty sure none of what Rodman is doing for any other reason than getting back in the spotlight. That's what he's done his whole career.

  14. Rodman has always been a strange man. If he wants to be the de-facto ambassador to N. Korea whatever...

  15. I say Rodman is a grown man who can take pictures and hang with whoever he wants. But to invite this man to America is just going way too far. Clearly this leader is not a love of free will and while I'm not mad at Rodman for going to see him, I'm definitely not happy that he wants this man to travel to a country where he's not only not wanted but is clearly a threat.

    Jane Fonda's act was super stupid though. Threats and totalitarian rule is one thing, defending tortures of innocent people is another.

  16. Idiots can't understand enough to know their idiots. But it's still not excusable.

  17. I think he just likes the attention. Which he gets, so job done.

  18. It's just best to ignore these self-serving creeps.

  19. Here's the difference: Jane was making a political statement (misguided though it may have been). Dennis is just being his usual attention whore self.

  20. Honestly, I think this is just a publicity stunt.

  21. I'm not sure Rodman is worth posting on.

    As for Jane Fonda and Vietnam... our military did plenty of horrible things in Vietnam which led people like her to do stupid things. It was wrongheaded what she did but there is plenty of evidence that our military knowingly killed innocent civilians and covered it up (read: 'Kill anything that Moves' recently published)- she was anti-war and was overly zealous and WRONG. I won't go further in defending her but she wasn't out for publicity. She wasn't a Dennis Rodman.

  22. While I couldn't agree with you more, both Dennis and Jane are well known has beens just trying to resurrect a hopelessly dead career. Dennis, Jane, give it a rest, bury yourselves in your money and leave the world alone.

  23. I know nothing about Rodman's return to North Korea this month, but I do know why he was there several months ago. If you haven't already, watch the season finale of the HBO documentary series 'Vice" which aired on June 14th. I think it explains a lot, including the fact that it wasn't all Rodman's idea to go over there and befriend Kim Jong-un. In fact, the documentary sets out to expose the current North Korean culture, something Americans have been banned from doing, and the result is a creepy Truman Show-esque experience that gives you a new appreciation for the country you live in. There's a scene at the end featuring some North Korean school children that brought tears to my eyes. The show provided insight into a country we never get to see... and Rodman was just one of the tools to get in.

  24. The stupidity of some celebrities never ceases to surprise me.

  25. Dennis Rodman had issues when he was a basketball player. He was a mess on TV a few years ago. He's just a big mess. Is anyone taking him seriously? I hope not.
