
Monday, July 1, 2013

This bittersweet gallery of concept art for the failed Akira movie is pretty damn cool

I loved Akira, so it may seem odd to hear me say I'm glad that Warner Brothers pulled the plug on the full-scale movie adaptation of Akira. I had my reasons though, mostly attributed to the fact that it was taking place in America and they were going to cast American actors in the roles. I spoke about that on a blog post located HERE.

Anyway, I present you with a bittersweet gallery of conceptual art I found online courtesy of Screen Crush. When I see this kind of stuff, I want the project to be alive again, only under the helm of a director that understands the importance of the incredible source material. I also wish that cyberpunk was a more popular genre, because these pictures are very exciting in much the same way Tron or Neuromancer excites me.

I know what you're thinking. This bittersweet gallery of concept art for the failed Akira movie is pretty damn cool, right? And if you're not thinking that, well...I never said I was psychic. But answer me this: why can't we get a genuinely awesome Akira movie instead of rebooting the Terminator franchise? And yes, in case you haven't heard, all new Terminator movies have been scrapped. Hollywood is returning to square one and rebooting Terminator and starting anew with a trilogy. This is my "grrr" face ==>
Speaking of art (shameless self plug for attention) I finished a new painting. If you want to view it, click on the "My Artwork" tab above. It's the very top two pictures on the page. If you do take the time to go and look, be sure to shower me with compliments. I love compliments :)


  1. You pay great attention to detail in your art work Michael. Terminator's getting a reboot? Oh great, that's like The Batman Trilogy getting a reboot after only the first came out. Seriouly? Anyway I'm glad this Akira movie got scrapped as well.

    Too bad the same wasn't done with The Last Airbender. Worse since it still made a lot of money (damn those who went to see this turd after the first reviews came out), it's rumoured that there will be a sequel. Even more soul deadening is that the director was already signed to a trilogy from the start. So Shylaman can make at least two more turds. Why God, why?

  2. I praised your artwork you shown here. Thanks for sharing.
    Art gallery online

  3. No, we don't need a reboot of the Terminator.
    Just wait until you see the list of upcoming movie remakes I posted today.

  4. When it comes to movies and books, the majority of people want the same, the familiar, the comfortable...and that's why we have all these reboots and ripoffs. Not that a reboot can't be good, but it's just crazy these days.

  5. Forget the concept art. I didn't really look at that. I looked at your artwork. WOW. That is great stuff. You are multitalented. Very impressive.

  6. Truly excellent work on your new painting, Michael. The concept art is very cool but a Terminator reboot? Yeah, no thanks.

  7. Those are some pretty cool concept drawings. A Terminator reboot just sounds really lame. How many more times are we supposed to watch the Terminator try to kill John Conner? At this point it's like Wil E Coyote and the Roadrunner.

  8. Not familiar with Akira, but as you guess I do think the artwork is phenomenal.

    And Terminator is a classic. NO need to reboot that one.

  9. I completely agree with you on Terminator; it was perfect as it was and good God Hollywood, can't you do anything that hasn't been done before anymore?!

  10. we don't need a reboot of anything except DUNE and FLASH GORDON :)

  11. Interesting artwork. Your work looks all of one piece, which is a compliment. Many artists' work is all over the place but I sense a uniform style here.

  12. I would have liked to see a live-action Akira too, minus the reasons you've pointed out before, but man, those concept pics sure is an eye candy factory. :)

  13. I didn't realized Akira had been scrapped. I have mixed feelings on that (same as what you posted)

    And i don't think we need a terminator reboot since the ones we have (for the most part) are excellent and still hold up. But then a small part of me is like "what if the terminator reboot is frickin awesome?" I doubt that will be the case, but i guess i can at least hope

  14. So happy they're not going to whitewash Akira. That was all kinds of wrong.

    They're rebooting so much stuff...from Terminator to Dirty Dancing. Yes, Dirty Dancing.

  15. I am tired of remakes. Gives us a new story. There are so many great scifi and fantasy books out there to base a movie on.
    Now for the are incredibly gifted. I envy and admire your artistic talent.

  16. I agree that they needed to scrap the Akira project with the direction it was headed. BUT that concept art.'s beautiful.

    And BOOO to rebooting the Terminator movies.

  17. We're getting a re-boot because Bale ruined the sequels.

  18. Hollywood seems stuck on repeat, lately. :P

    Your picture is amazing. I really loved the tatoo, and his eyes are beautiful. They have expression and depth.

  19. Don't know much about cyberpunk, comment there.

    Reboots are starting to make me crazy. Too many good writers and stories out there - Hollywood get a clue.

    YOUR ARTWORK is something I will comment on. It is amazing. The faces alone of your subjects convey so much emotion. You put so much detail into EVERYTHING. Your artwork = AMAZING.

  20. Love the painting of Talen! Easy to see why you're proud of his face, and I loved the tattoo as well. Enjoyed browsing through the whole gallery.

  21. So glad they scrapped Akira. Would have been awful.


  22. I was going to ask the same question after viewing the photos. I wish more movie execs would make the movie that it's meant to be instead of something that's already been.

  23. Terminator prequel trilogy maybe?!

    Noooooooooo! Please no! The horror!

  24. I am so impressed with your artwork! Have you ever considered creating a graphic novel?

    The one I especially like is the engineering sketch. There's something about blueprints-type art that really (and oddly) appeals to me.

  25. Pretty pictures...

    It's too bad that they don't hear us when we all groan about another reboot. But then again, they're not marketing to us. They're marketing to the kiddos who don't remember the first time around. (I once had to explain to a kiddo that the new Tron was a sequel. He hadn't heard of the original. Sigh.)
