
Wednesday, June 26, 2013

It's a bad day for bigots. Thank you SCOTUS

It's a bad day for bigots. May the lawsuits against states begin. Thank you SCOTUS for doing the right thing.


  1. Awesome. There's really nothing else to say

  2. That's great news. I hope Michigan's constitutional amendment can get struck down.

  3. I can't wait for the time when every day is a bad day for bigots!

  4. I was very excited to hear the news today. Now I hope the states get involved and have those types of clauses removed. :)

  5. Edie Windsor! She had a love so strong it's changed the definition of marriage forever. I'm ecstatic.

  6. The most amazing thing for me is realizing just how out of touch I am with some of my friends/family.

    The scary part is how passionate some of them get about something that literally doesn't affect them in any way. It's as if they think if someone of the same sex being able to legally get married is going to end society as we know it. If the Kardashians and Honey Boo Boo haven't done it then I doubt two people binding their feelings for each other with a state recognized legal contract won't either.

  7. I'm glad the court took a stand.

  8. @Kevin: Around my workplace, people who are opposed to it say, "This country was founded on principles of god and this goes against god." My response is "The word 'god' does not appear anywhere in the U.S. Constitution." Most people are flabbergasted by my statement. They want "their god" to speak for everyone.

  9. Discrimination stinks. It's great to see there are some clear thinkers left in the world who can recognize equality issues.

    Human rights should never be under the jurisdiction of individual states in the US or provinces (in Canada).

  10. This is awesome and about damn time.

  11. It was past time. Sometimes things seem so simple to me that I don't know how they get complicated by the government.

  12. A good day, yes, but much work remains to be sure same sex marriages are legal in the states that haven't permitted it. I think it's only twelve states where this is legal, but this is certainly a happy day for anyone who believes in equity under the law.

  13. Woo hoo!! I was happy my cousin and his husband were able to marry before he passed away. Love is always good.

  14. Great news! And it's about time. :)

  15. I was so pleased to hear this! It's hard to believe that a little 83-yr-old lady was responsible for getting this to the SC. Yay little old ladies! :-)

  16. What's scary is that it was a 5-4 vote. Why denying anyone basic civil rights is still in question...?

    Oh, right. I'm from California. Where 55% of voters thought Proposition 8 was a good idea...

  17. Of course it should have been struck down. This is a civil right that will be accepted across the country in a few years. History marches on.

    This is a good day.

  18. SO excited on behalf of all my gay/bi/etc. friends!! And on behalf of all my non-bigot straight friends too! ;)

  19. Neither movie sounds appealing to me. Great to hear the news about SCOTUS. Hopefully Australia will follow suit.

  20. This was the best news I remember hearing in a LONG time. About time, too.
