
Thursday, May 23, 2013

The Ruby's Fire cover has flying red birds and a skull house that screams all kinds of YA awesome

The Ruby's Fire cover has flying red birds, blue-painted nails, and a skull house that screams all kinds of YA Awesome! What do you guys think of the cover for Catherine's new book? It's designed by Jay Montgomery, and yes I'm typing in all bold because I'm that excited! Here's more on this project brought to you by Catherine's publicist, Giselle Cormier:


Ruby's Fire
Catherine Stine
Series: Fireseed, #2 (however, can be read as a stand-alone)
Publication date:  June 26, 2013 <== Mark this on your calendar if you are a fan of the first book. If you've never heard of it, then you still have time to read it by clicking purchase HERE.
Genre: YA Sci-Fi

If everything about you changes, what remains?
Seventeen year-old Ruby, long-pledged to the much older Stiles from the Fireseed desert cult, escapes with only a change of clothes, a pouch of Oblivion Powder and her mute little brother, Thorn. Arriving at The Greening, a boarding school for orphaned teens, she can finally stop running. Or can she? The Greening is not what it seems. Students are rampaging out of control and as she cares for the secret Fireseed crop, she experiences frightening physical changes. She’s ashamed of her attraction to burly, hard-talking Blane, the resident bodyguard, and wonders why she can’t be happy with the gentler Armonk. She’s long considered her great beauty a liability, a thing she’s misused in order to survive. And how is she to stop her dependence on Oblivion to find a real beauty within, using her talent as a maker of salves, when she has nightmares of Stiles without it?

When George Axiom, wealthy mogul of Vegas-by-the-Sea offers a huge cash prize for the winner of a student contest, Ruby is hopeful she might collect the prize to rescue her family and friends from what she now knows is a dangerous cult. But when Stiles comes to reclaim her, and Thorn sickens after creating the most astonishing contest project of all, the world Ruby knows is changed forever. This romantic fantasy set in 2099 on earth has a crafty heroine in Ruby, and a swoonworthy cast, which will surely appeal to the YA and new adult audience.
This cover is seriously gorgeous! Click to EMBIGGEN
Catherine Stine in an undated photo.
Catherine Stine writes YA, New Adult and middle grade fiction. Her YA futuristic thriller, Fireseed One, illustrated by the author was granted a Bronze Wishing Shelf Book Award and an Indie Reader Approved notable stamp. Her YA Refugees, earned a New York Public Library Best Book. Middle grade novels include A Girl’s Best Friend. More and more, she’s enjoying writing speculative tales. She teaches literature at the School of Visual Arts and creative writing at the Philadelphia Writing Conference and in her own ongoing NYC writing workshop. Catherine earned a double focus MFA in Creative Writing at the New School. 

Author Links:

If you run a blog and would like to help Catherine in her book tour, please go HERE to sign up.

Have a great Thursday.


  1. Congratulations Catherine! Ruby's Fire sounds like a fantastic YA read. And what an eye-catching book cover. :)

  2. Congrats Catherine I love both the book and the cover. Ruby sounds like a great and independent heroine. I'm Adult (28) and I'm loving this and as a big YA fan (and NA fan) I'm sure teens will be attracted to this.

  3. That cover is awesome. Will put it on my calendar for June 26th.

  4. That's one of the most interesting and clever book covers I've ever seen.

  5. This cover is as eye-catching as the first one in the Fireseed novels. Good luck to Catherine on her book release!

  6. Okay, Michael, you win top billing for the best headline!!! It made me laugh out loud. It may LOOK like a bird, but when you read Ruby's Fire, you'll discover that it's no normal bird... wait for it.... Ruby's Fire is now on Goodreads, and I invite you all to put it on your TBR list.

  7. I think the red bird looks silly, but maybe appropriate for YA audiences.

  8. Sounds interesting.

    I think the last time I painted my nails, I painted them blue. Wow, that was... a while ago...

  9. I signed up and I also already read Ruby. It's fantastically good. Loved it.

  10. If it's exciting you, then I'm expecting big things from this book.

  11. What a gorgeous cover, and I'm so glad you showed it here in the full wrap-around version. Real artistry, and no doubt the story is a real page-turner. Congrats, Catherine!

  12. Beautiful cover. I like her hair being blown back and the red bird is very cool.

  13. Congratulations Catherine. Ruby's fire sounds super cool. Love the cover and the premise.

  14. Thanks everyone, and of course, Michael.
