
Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Pacific Rim's focus on size proves it's the man card dispensing movie of the decade

I think Pacific Rim will be the one movie this decade that issues a man card at the door with the price of every admissions ticket. Why? Because this movie is all about size, and how that matters. And I think I'm pretty safe in saying, that size only matters to men. Women are probably going to get nothing from this movie, which means unless men blackmail their wives/girlfriends to go and see it, attendance should be pretty much 95% men and 5% women.
That being said, the latest trailer for Guillermo del Toro's "Twilight for Men" has got more testosterone packed into two minutes than a tube of Androgel. My favorite scene in this particular trailer: the huge Jaeger mech that unleashes the forearm blades to eviscerate a kaiju. The penetration and shear gutting power of those weapons has got to be over the top.

The only thing that could make this movie better would be a scenario where (when the two pilots are sharing memories) one pilot has a memory of screwing the other pilot's partner. Why else would you make a device that requires shared memories? The drama potential is unlimited! Here's the trailer in case you missed it when it "erupted" all over the internet last week. Watching it leaves me strangely satisfied, yet wanting. Fancy that.

ANNOUNCEMENT: Author Roland Yeomans' book, The Bear With Two Shadows is available on audiobook now through If you don't know what The Bear with Two Shadows is, think of The Wind in the Willows meets the Lord of the Rings meets Native American mythology. You will never listen to another book like it :).

My thoughts are with you, Oklahoma. You are not alone.


  1. oh my, the testosterone around here is very high!!! even with the bear book cover... :D

  2. And I thought I got enough testosterone living in a house with my husband and two sons. Oh my!

  3. I think it'd be really interesting to see whether you're right about the ratio of men to women in the audiences for this movie :)

    Roland's book sounds awesome!

  4. LOL, this was nice to go to bed to tonight. Three ex-hubbies and 4 son's; nothing much testosterone bothers me.

    I plan on seeing this movie because Charlie Hunan is in it. And did I see Ron Perlman in there also? I could get my SOA fix by watching this.


  5. I love how the testosterone is all up in my, I mean on the screen. And with a writer/director named del Toro, I would expect nothing less. Size is good.

  6. Awesome for Roland!
    My wife is excited to see it, but she just doesn't understand - "It's giant robots versus giant monsters!!!"

  7. That Tornado was devastating. My thoughts are with them too. And pacific rim is handing out awesome cards maybe. Not just man cards.

  8. Just heard about Oklahoma, how devastating. ):

    And I agree with Rusty because not only am I super excited to see Pacific Rim, but I also want an awesome card.

  9. Transformers, more than meets the eye?

  10. I haven't heard of the movie but it does look like a man's movie.

  11. That could be pretty awesome. Or it could be pretty terrible.

  12. Don't need a 'Man Card'. {Pretty sure I'll pass on 'Pacific Rim' but I did LOVE Star Trek - Into Darkness. Loved the tie ins.

    Also, Roland's book on audio sounds awesome. I'll have to check this one out.

  13. Oh i'll be seeing Pacific Rim. Giant monsters vs Giant robuts? Yes please. Also, I absolutely LOVE Guillermo Del Toro, so that's a big buy in for me

  14. Oh my god. I could barely get through the trailer without twitching. Massive robots, really? Like Power Rangers?

    And thanks for letting me know about Rolands book being available on audio!


  15. "Fancy that." <---You are so funny, Michael! And so proud of Roland and all that he does. And yes, thoughts with Oklahoma :/

  16. More so than Transformers? You bet. And with Del Toro, an actual story to go along with it. I am SO there. :)

    Been watching videos of the tornado touchdowns. Amazing what the average citizen is able to report on now. My thoughts go to the victims today.

  17. Hi, Michael,

    Thanks for sharing this PUMPED UP movie. Imagine this on the BIG SCREEN... EVERYTHING BIG!!!! GEEZ ... LOL.


    Prayers for Oklahoma..

  18. With six boys, plus the hubby, testosterone doesn't phase me or our daughter. Hahaha. Congrads to Roland! Yeah! Thinking of Oklahoma.

  19. I can't imagine why you think this isn't a chick flick.... :)

  20. Yup, this is not my type of movie. Then again, I LOVE Indiana Jones and went to the Crystal Skull movie with a male friend. Meanwhile, a lot of women went to see the second Sex in the City movie, which I avoided like the plague. Still... Pacific Rim... I don't think so.

  21. Was just reading in Entertainment Weekly today that they're already talking sequel. And it hasn't even come out yet!

  22. My heart is heavy over Oklahoma. It has taken me so long to wander over since I have worked 14 hours straight -- with my creative bookkeeping company arranging to pay me for only 10 of them. Sadly, my body had to work all 14!!

    Del Toro seldom fails to deliever an entertaining movie. I am looking forward to THE WOLVERINE and THE LONE RANGER -- I guess I will have to play the Little Boy Card to see those!

    Thanks so much for spotlighting my audio book. You are a good friend. Thanks! Roland

  23. well, when you use words such as erupt, size and penetration... I really must check out the trailer :PPP

  24. Yeah. Epic Rim is definitely a guy flick. I like the little guy card visual lol.
