
Monday, April 29, 2013


Above is a picture of my Clone Wars maquette (a little statue) of Master Yoda. I bought it at a comic book store many years ago and sometimes display it in a curio cabinet in my house along with other things I've collected. I have a couple of nice things that I like to put in the cabinet. My friend James once remarked, "Why do you have that dumb statue of Yoda in there next to the other nice stuff? It makes me think of that phrase 'one of these things is not like the other...'"

Anyway, my maquette is well constructed, looks nice, is very nerdy, and I like it! I bet Sheldon Cooper owns one. Yoda doesn't need any explanation as anyone that follows Star Wars knows exactly who he is, so I'm just going to say this: one of the things I like about Yoda in The Clone Wars is that he really doesn't fight. He's simply a teacher and takes that role very seriously. I just wish someone had told him how to brush his teeth because Yoda's teeth are atrocious. Also, has anyone ever seen a female version of Yoda's race? I'm kind of wondering what they look like.

Below, please find some pics I posted describing a scene where Yoda is doing what Yoda does best.

In this scene Yoda explains to the younglings that they were not trapped by the cave, but by their minds. He turns to each and points out what they have learned.
  1. Byph found courage.
  2. Ganodi found hope.
  3. Gungi found patience.
  4. Zalt found trust.
  5. Katooni found confidence.
  6. Petro found selflessness.
And even when Yoda faces a Sith apprentice in Asajj Ventress, he continues to teach. If you have the time, please watch this short clip. It's almost laughable how quickly Yoda deals with Ventress (who is a handful for just about anyone else). Yoda was a badass.
Tomorrow is my post on the Zillo Beast-the ultimate Godzilla tribute done by the Clone Wars!


  1. I KNEW Yoda would be your Y post!! I used to have a little plastic Yoda on my desk, inspiring me. Not sure what happened to him... Not as cool as yours.

  2. Chose well you did your theme this year. All letters well covered you have.

  3. Some people just don't get the dedication we feel to our fandoms. I have a very small framed picture of the crew of Star Trek Voyager on my desk at work. It's teeny only about one inch by two, but people can't understand why I have it there.

  4. I have that Yoda song by Weird Al Yankovic stuck in my head now...

    On my desk is a "statue" of whatever character Samuel L. Jackson played in whatever Star Wars movie in which he appeared. (I'm obviously a huge fan, I know) I'm pretty sure it came out of a happy meal, but it's kind of cool-looking, so I kept it.

  5. Yoda fighting Sith lords was one of the things I liked the least about the prequels. It just looked stupid.

    I don't have any statues; I just keep a Bespin Luke and a Mara Jade figure by my desk. And then on the bookshelf I have a bunch of old Robotech toys and of course the Scarlet Knight action figures.

  6. There is a female example of Yoda's race in TPM: Yaddle. She's on the Council.
    I have some cool Yoda stuff packed away.

  7. I don't follow Star Wars & even I know who Yoda is. :-)

  8. Years ago I was participating in a mall art show and a woman ran up to me and offered me a hundred bucks if I'd paint a picture of Yoda for her. I remembered reading that Einstein's eyes were the source for Yoda's so I painted a green Einstein and tweaked it until it looked like Yoda. Surprisingly, the woman was very pleased.

  9. I've never watched these animated series, but I know Yoda annoyed me in the films.... almost as much as Jar Jar :)

  10. Yoda!!! I loved that little guy! Best Y I've read. :-D

  11. Hey, if Sheldon has a Yoda then it's okay for you to display yours. I always did love the funny little green guy with his weird syntax, and that clip did indeed show how powerful he can be.

    BTW, thanks so much for your rewrite of my blurb, Michael. I'm using it to shorten and punch up what I have, a job you've made much easier. Love ya!

  12. I would have been really disappointed if your Y wasn't for Yoda :)

    And yeah, Yoda did everything but spank her in that fight. She still has much to learn...much to learn.

  13. Small in stature, but big in personality and power. That's how I think of Yoda.

  14. I love Yoda! By the way, have you seen this?

  15. Andrew beat me to Yaddle, who I know about because Mr Bunches last week checked out, as his library book of the week, an illustrated guide to "The Phantom Menace," which I got to read to him a few times over the course of a week. He wasn't crazy about Yoda or Yaddle, but Andrew's right: she's a chick Yoda.

    As for Yoda fighting vs Yoda teaching, one of the things I've always disliked about the latter trilogy was Yoda being some kind of superfighter. Only 20 years after Yoda is able to outfight (almost) Count Dooku, he's got to ride Luke through the swamps of Dagobah and rely on his wits and mastery of the force to fight, and I thought Lucas missed the point, that some Jedi would be great fighters but others would be mystics or teachers or whatnot.

    It wasn't as bad as when Lucas practically made Artoo a Jedi, but it was pretty bad. In a way, it's too bad JJ Abrams is going to lens flare his way through Episode VII, because you KNOW if Lucas was in charge we'd get the first Ewok/Droid Hybrid Jedi. And I would like to see that, in the same way that I like to watch buildings collapse.

  16. That is a pretty sweet Yoda. I'd never question why you have it.

  17. All this talk about what people have on their desks makes me think of that Portlandia sketch where the designers come in and jazz up a guy's desk with all kinds of action figures.

  18. I wish I had a tiny statue of Yoda. :)

  19. I was thinking about Yoda the other day, and his place in the story... But now I am really intrigued about the females... lol.

  20. Ah-HA! I knew you'd use Yoda! I love Yoda. He's one of my favorite, pithy, Star War characters!


  21. I have Yoda sitting on my desk too. I actually think he just smiled.

  22. You have much to learn, villain! Yoda is a total badass. :)

  23. I love Yoda! Just like him, I speak.

  24. Unofficial this comment is.
    On vacation I still am.
    Rock Yoda does.

  25. AW SNAP!

    Yoda taught her a thing or two. Love how he throw her lightsabers right back at her.

    Hey - and what do you think of the Jets treated Tim Tebow like crud?

  26. I've been seeing lots of Yoda pictures on Pinterest lately

  27. when 900 years you have kick some ass you will!

  28. I love your Yoda statue and he is appropriately placed with your valuables . I had a feeling Yoda would be your choice for Y. Now you have that Sesame Street song stuck in my head, lol.

  29. I love Yoda. Perfect choice for this post!

  30. Great clip. Yoda can really teach the process of mastery. He's the man...little and green...but still the man! A guy at my work has a life size Yoda in his office; it's pretty sweet.

  31. It's interesting to see all these Yoda variations. I always picture him like he looked in the original trilogy.

  32. Hi Michael .. now even I know Yoda - miracle! as do many others .. I am on a different wave length I think!

    Cheers Hilary

  33. Of course Yoda had to be Y, because he's the best! :)

    #atozchallenge, Kristen's blog:
