
Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Ima-Gun Di for the Republic

This is not my "oh" face. I'm upset cause I have no flash to wear and my stapler's missing.
In the third episode of the Star Wars: The Clone Wars television series' third season, we get to meet Jedi Master Ima-Gun Di. The title of the episode is "Supply Lines."

A Kajain'sa Nikto (yes that's his race and I think someone rolled their face across a keyboard) Ima-Gun Di was so named in order to sound like the phrase "I'm a gonna die" which reflects his fate. Nice, eh?

And you authors out there thought you were so clever with your names. Anyway...

Jedi Master Mace Windu sent "I'm a gonna die" to the planet of Ryloth where he never had much hope (fancy that). Di fought on the ground against the droid army as a bad guy named Wat Tamor led an invasion of the Twi-lek homeworld.
"I'm sooo gonna die for the republic!" Cheesy naming? Well dear reader,
I never said that Star Wars was high brow entertainment. It really is the
"Twilight" for fat nerdy pimpled boys now isn't it? And I chain watched
the episodes thinking "Damn this is gooood" eatin' my popcorn and
channelin' Eddie Murphy's "soul singin'" brotha "Sexual Chocolate"
from "Coming to America" where he sings and the guys in the
audience say, "Damn...that boy's good!"
His last stand happened after he planted explosives in a canyon wall to seal off access points that the droid army could exploit. As the droids made their way around to the only opening (a bottle-necked canyon), the surviving Twi-leks that Di protected escaped without interception because this Jedi stood in the way alongside Captain Keeli and other surviving clone troopers. So the droids came in enmasse and there was a huge slaughter. Di fought valiantly but was inevitably slain as the droids closed in on him, sustaining five direct blaster bolts to the chest during a crescendo of melodramatic music.

Dude was tougher than Boromir (and if you get that reference you are a true nerd).

Ima-Gun Di for the Republic! I'm still snickering about this one. Oh how awful (the people who are behind this franchise made millions for brilliant stuff like that--are you angry yet?). Embedded below is the snippet where Ima-Gun Di makes his last stand. You should watch it and listen to the dramatic music they play as he gets taken down. Oh the death of a sad.


  1. So now I'm thinking if I'm Gonna Die has a son he can be I'm Gonna Die Junior. In a way these Star War names are like the Latin-based ones in Harry Potter -- if you understand the language you realie the significance of their names. But other than Lucas, who speaks these alien languages?

  2. Learning by looking, and reading. By the time I get through your series, I won't have to watch the Clone Wars. (:

  3. Hahahaha punny! He sounds awesome, though.

  4. Just when I started to like the guy they killed him off. Bummer...

  5. How does that guy breath when his mouth is closed?

  6. I wonder if Chewbacca had a mouthful of tabacco...

    Moody Writing

  7. Ima-gonna-die! Duh! Now that you told me, it is soooo obvious. I can't believe I didn't notice it right away!

  8. Hesa gonna die? Sounds like the song of Roland, which I never read but my sister said the dude got like 300 spears stuck in him to defend Charlemagne's retreat or something.

  9. Though I doubt the validity of that story because no French guy is brave enough to get 300 spears stuck in him, except maybe if he fell into a rack of spears by accident.

  10. I'm so out of the loop of you A to Z! I like checking in anyway.

  11. I'm completely drawing a blank on this episode. :(

  12. Do you know if Clone Wars is on Netflix Instant? My watching has been sporadic at best

  13. Ima-gun pee-mah-pants here, laughing so hard at this post! Thanks fir the chuckle

  14. OR, his son could be called I'ma Gun Die Harder.

    I never thought BEFORE, that someone could actually know too much about Star Wars.

    Great posts.

  15. His lightsaber looks particularly awesome in that second photo.

  16. LOL at the Sexual Chocolate, Coming to America reference. And I guess I'm a Star Wars pimply nerd too- who sat home and ate popcorn thinking "This is so good!" Because I felt the same way.

  17. My son would get the Boromir reference.

  18. The dramatic music is the best haha.

  19. Ima-Gun Di - very subtle with the name! LOL He looks cool, kind of reminds me of The Thing from Fantastic Four!

  20. And I thought my naming schemes were bad...

  21. I think I missed a lot by not watching Clone Wars.

  22. You make me want to see this show.

  23. He has a face only a mother could love.

  24. I did get the Boromir reference. Nerd girl here.

  25. I didn't see that episode but my kids say that was a great one! I guess even with the cheesy names it works for the target audience and that's why its sooo successful.

  26. It's been a long time since I've seen Star Wars. This post makes me want to watch it.

  27. Understanding the Boromir reference doesn't make me a nerd... being a nerd makes me a nerd.

  28. That name cracks me up! I pick names like that though - but hopefully they're a bit more subtle. ;)

  29. Really funny about the "I'm a gonna die" thing! Fantasy characters really have odd names (and punctuation) sometimes. :-)

  30. I also think it's a great name. It reminds me of the days when a tailor was actually named Tailor.


  31. At first glance I thought, what the heck is that thing? :)
