
Monday, March 18, 2013

A List of Ten Movies that Kick Ass

Today is Alex's Top Ten Movie Countdown Blogfest. You can find details HERE although there really isn't much to go on. I guess I'm just supposed to do a list of the 10 movies I like? So that's what I'm going to do :) In no particular order (because I can't decide which I like better) here are the ten movies I really enjoy:
  1. Return of the King
  2. Silence of the Lambs
  3. Jaws
  4. How To Train Your Dragon
  5. Raiders of the Lost Ark
  6. The Matrix
  7. The Cider House Rules
  8. Brokeback Mountain
  9. Life of Pi
  10. Gladiator
These kinds of lists are so hard to do! Anyway, I'm off to check out what other people chose. Thanks for visiting and have a good Monday.


  1. Yup, it was that simple!
    Raiders made my list, as did the entire LOTR trilogy. Surprised by Life of Pi since it was such a spiritual film.
    Thanks for participating in my blogfest!

  2. The Matrix and Silence of the Lambs--totally YES!

  3. Silence of the Lambs is also one of my favorites - an intelligent serial killer movie. I loved Gladiator, too, but it's so sad.

  4. I haven't actually seen Silence of the Lambs all the way through or Life of Pi so they wouldn't be on my list. Really though not a single Star Wars movie? Or Prometheus?

  5. I haven't seen Silence of the Lambs all the way through.

    But I loved How To Train Your Dragon and The Matrix and Gladiator. And, of course, Return of the King.

  6. I haven't seen many of these. Will put them on my to see list.

  7. Huzzah for Dragon! Loving your list, sir. Still need to see Life of Pi. :)

  8. Great list Michael. I love Cider House Rules, need to watch it again soon. I can't wait to get Life of Pi on DVD.

  9. We have two the same -- Raiders and Gladiator. Still haven't seen Life of Pi. Need to do that soon. And everyone recommends How to Train Your Dragon. I have to see that!!

  10. Great list. I would have Lord of the Rings on my list. Also I want to see Life of Pi.

  11. HTTYD is one of my all time favorites. Silence of the Lambs is excellent too. And I forgot about BbM, but that was an excellent movie as well. "I wish I knew how to quit you!"So hard to narrow it down to only 10.

  12. LOL. You and I would have very different lists--if I'd participated. My top ten are bizarre and eclectic, but it's surprising--even with different tastes, which movies do overlap. (LOTR, Matrix, How to Train Your Dragon) Awesome list.

  13. I loved Matrix as well. I almost picked Constantine. That movie rocked. Awesome picks, Michael!

  14. Nice to see some Silence of the Lambs love. I still need to see Life of Pi.

  15. Nice, diverse list. I liked How to Train Your Dragon and The Matrix very much.

  16. I'm not sure I could watch Silence of the Lambs...
    There are a couple here I should check out!

  17. Silence of the Lambs was such a superb movie and is on my list. You've chosen some fab films. X

  18. Really good list! I can't wait until my kids are old enough to curl up with them and watch some of these together.

  19. I debated putting in series like Indiana Jones, Star Wars, Bourne, Transporter, Bond because how can you choose from between them?

    Although, I do have to say, Empires Strikes Back is my favourite Star War film.

  20. Great list! I did love Life of Pi and The Matrix! And How to Train your Dragon was cool, too!

  21. I love The Cider House Rules, I had totally forgotten about that movie. I watch Jaws every time I come upon it on tv, it still creeps me out to this day LOL.

  22. Gladiator lovers unite! Sweetness!! Great picks...use to watch raiders all the time!

  23. hooray for 1, 4 and 8!
    I did a list similar to this one years ago, you have it here:

  24. Right there with you on "Return of the King" and "The Matrix". Loved Heath Ledger, but didn't like the accent he had to use in Brokeback. Still haven't seen "Silence of the Lambs", "The Cider House Rules" or "Life of Pi". So many movies and books... So little time.

  25. Gladiator is on my list, too. And Cider House Rules is awesome!

  26. Making a top 10 list of favorite movies would be too hard for me. Perhaps if I did a top 10 of each decade? Nah, still too hard.

    Loved How to Train Your Dragon.

  27. I didn't think about The Matrix... now, I have to wonder where I'd place it.

  28. You've got some great movies here. Silence of the Lambs and The Matrix would definitly make my top twenty. I'm curious about Life of Pi, but I'd like to read the book first.

  29. Ooh...#2 & 3! Nice. Great list. Love the variety.

  30. I'm so pleased to see my favorite movie, "Jaws," on someone's list! That movie made me want to become a director and sent me to film school. I love ET, too. Basically anything by Spielberg is awesome in my book.
    Fun list! :-)

  31. I've never seen Cider House Rules, but the rest of the movies on your list are top notch.
    Have you seen Sunshine? That always makes any list of movies i make.

  32. Many on your list are also favorites of mine.

  33. Silence of the Lambs still has me creeped out. Shudder... Jaws is still a fun watch and Gladiator. I need to see Life of Pi.

  34. So glad you included Jaws on your list. Even with age, that movie is just too good!

  35. Excellent choices. I've seen all but Life of Pi.

  36. I have planning on seeing Life of Pi

  37. LOTR, Raider, and How to Train Your Dragon are all awesome!!

  38. You know, I have not seen Cider House Rules. I need to see that now.

  39. Nice choices. I haven't seen Life of Pi yet but it's on my list to see.

  40. Good choices all! Well, I haven't actually seen them all, but I've heard good things about those that I haven't seen.

  41. Hey Michael,

    You got that right! Those films totally kick ass! Or as they say over here in lil' ol' England, "kick arse!"

    Gary :)

  42. How to Train Your Dragon ruled. Gees, I've gotta watch that one again. Thanks for the reminder. Wasn't this blogfest super fun? That Alex sure knows how to throw an awesome party. :)

  43. I'm with ya on Silence of the Lambs and Matrix, aw YEAH!!!

  44. Raiders of the Lost Ark is the best most awesome movie ever -- in my humble opinion.

  45. I've sen Life of Pi a lot today. I missed that one. Heard it was awesome on the IMAX screen.

  46. I had to pick 10 movies by a theme; so many wonderful movies out there.


  47. I liked Raiders of the Lost Ark, in true comic hero style. Matrix was a new direction, leather was in.

  48. Great movies! I really loved Brokeback Mountain, but it breaks my heart so I don't watch it too often.

  49. You know, I still haven't seen Brokeback Mountain. I should get around to that someday.

  50. Many of these would have made my list if my list were themed differently.

    The Matrix is one of my all-time faves. I left the theater with a sense of renewed spirituality.

  51. some great movies there that I haven't mentioned. great list!

  52. Return of the King tops my list, followed closely by The Matrix.

  53. Very nice movie list! I have seen most of them and loved them :) The only one I haven't seen is the Dragon one.

  54. Great list! ...Is it bad that I haven't seen "Jaws" or "Silence of the Lambs" yet? :3
