
Monday, December 10, 2012

A Christmas week with Michael Whelan day one

"The Island" courtesy of Michael Whelan. This is all acrylics, no photoshop.
I've followed Michael Whelan for 30 years, and the man never ceases to amaze me. This week I'm going to post four of my favorite paintings he has done. This is one I think I might purchase (a print of) once I buy a house. I'd get it framed and display it proudly.

FACT: The amount of Hugos Michael Whelan has won could fill two shopping carts.

The man is bar none, in my opinion, the greatest living artist of our time. His vision captures my imagination.

If you are not too busy, please stop by and say hello to Shelly who is a book blogger located HERE. She gave me a great review of my book, and I appreciate that. To hold a banana in front of you, if Shelly took the time to read my book, she sure as hell will probably read yours, dear author (and she posts the reviews everywhere). I know I're saying, "But Mike, reviewers are already beating down my doors to read my books so why the hell would I want to befriend a book blogger?" I just think it may be worth your time, so please comment there :)


  1. There are so many great fantasy artists, I don't think I could ever pick just one as a favorite. I mean, as soon as I think "this is my favorite," I see some other painting by someone else. I have a bunch of card sets of art prints in storage somewhere.

  2. His covers for the Elric books were some of my favourite ever.

    Moody Writing

  3. I could write a flash fiction to this.


  4. He's done some amazing book covers - did a lot in the 1970's, which is when I noticed him. He did a very Lovecraft-inspired album cover for Sepultura as well.

  5. I've never heard of him, but glad I did here. Awesome you got a great review.

  6. beautiful & amazing!
    i had a whelan calendar when i was a teen. so talented!

  7. No argument here -- his wonderful covers were a huge influence on me when I was a kid. I have a photo-print of the cover to The Dragonbone Chair on my wall.

  8. A good picture always hits the spot and makes you wish you had the talent for this stuff. Hopping over to Shelly.

  9. I'm not sure why you'd want that painting given you think all women look the same.

  10. I have long wanted Michael Whelan to do a cover for one of my books *sigh*

  11. That's a great painting! I look forward to seeing your other favorites.

  12. That picture is breathtaking... gosh, opens the mind, yes? And I'm off to check out the review! And of course it was great. :-)

  13. That is one gorgeous painting. Wow.

  14. That really is kind of cool, with the cracked pavement and the girl being tethered so she doesn't fly off into the realm of fantasy...neat!

  15. Beautiful painting. Whelan is incredibly talented, love his imagination and his ability to express it so vividly.

  16. I'm not familiar with Whelan, but I like that painting. I may have to check more of his stuff out.

  17. I've not heard of Whelan, but this painting is gorgeous so I will have to check him out.

    And OMG a baby Bloody Face!! I shudder to think. Poor Lana indeed.

  18. Beautiful painting. I've never seen his work before.

    Congrats on the great review.

  19. Wow, his acrylic is amazing. Thanks for sharing his work. I thought you were talking about Josh Whelan at first.

  20. Whelan sure does some interesting artwork. Very nice.

    And who couldn't use another friend of the book blogger variety?

  21. Beautiful piece! And yes, lol, they are knocking on my door! Wait, actually that's just the Boy Scouts selling wreaths.

  22. Lovely painting. Why do you have to wait until you have a house to have it in your home?

  23. That painting is pretty amazing. Congrats on the sweet review!

  24. Congrats on the review!

    That painting is gorgeous. I love his work.

  25. Beautiful picture. I can't believe it isn't photoshopped.

  26. I'm so glad Shelly's blog gave a shout-out for both Slipstream and Oculus, and that I could read the Oculus review without worrying about spoilers (I plan to read it over the holidays when I finally have some time).

  27. He is amazing. Wish I could afford him to do my covers.

  28. I wonder how much he charges for a book cover because I kinda need one.

  29. Wow, you've introduced me to a new artist. Thanks!

  30. Hope you get your own house soon. I'm thinking I need some imaginative art like this for in my office.

  31. It is a lovely picture. Glad you posted it!

  32. Congrats on the review, Michael!

    I've LOVED Whelan for years myself. STUNNING art work.

  33. OHMYGAH!!! I LOVE Michael Whelan's work. *Swoons* I wish I had a print of his work or even could get the man to do artwork for my books. Yes, dreaming again... sorry.
    Heading over to Shelly's blog now. :D

  34. Michael Whelan is brilliant. This is a neat Christmas week celebration. :)

  35. Love the piece of art. Thanks for sharing.

  36. Well done on a great review. I like the painting too.
