
Thursday, November 8, 2012

Oculus is here

So this is my cover. It's full of creepy crawlies. And seeing that you've probably already viewed it by now on my sidebar or through the tab above, I wanted to offer a little explanation of what's going on here. The cover does fit the book. Even if you may be scratching your head and thinking...can Mike really write about spiders
this much? Yes, yes I can. So here's the scene that this cover actually reflects (although it is a symbolic cover and not an actual scene as taken from the book):

(Kolin and Kathy in front of a computer terminal,
and Kolin tells Kathy to start a video they both can watch)

Kathy did as instructed.  A video started up, showing an individual approaching the front of the building.  He wore a long cloak, but his face was unmistakable.  Charon possessed skin as transparent as glass.  He had silver eyes and deep red hair that flowed down from his scalp and swept over his shoulders to fall in the darkness behind his hood.  As he walked forward, he parted his cloak, and Kolin saw the redness of Charon’s heart, beating under all that transparent skin, supplying blood to the demigod’s limbs so that he may live.
From inside the flap of his coat, millions of glass spiders emerged and washed across the black asphalt like a glittering flash flood.  Charon directed them like Poseidon must command the waves of the ocean.  They blazed with their own silver light and swarmed over cars, benches, and lampposts, scurrying toward the front of the building.  Guards at the doors pulled out pistols and shot off a few rounds but were quickly overwhelmed by the spiders.  These tiny arachnids with gears visible on the inside of their glass skin spun silver thread about the struggling humans, encasing them, and then proceeded to drill into their heads, lacing their brains with microfilament fiber optic wire.
The video had no sound so Kolin couldn’t hear the screaming.  But he could see the men and women shrieking.  He watched.  His skin got clammy under his armor; his mouth dried of spit.  Despite the fact that the wounds inflicted by the spiders were small, blood flowed over the floor as thick and sticky as syrup.
The spiders continued their march and entered the building, cocooning anyone they came across.  The millions of tiny creatures were unstoppable, like a deadly tide, and they crawled over everything, leaving threads of blinking light that flowed into Charon’s body.  People fell in the lobby and became enshrouded in webs.  They collapsed in doorways or in the chairs in which they sat.  Meanwhile, Charon just continued to cackle and smile with glee.
So what's going on with the cover. Well, the color red is very important to the book. The team that Jordan plays on is called "The Big Red" and its colors are red and white.  Jordan plays ice hockey so the spiders are walking on what could be construed as glass or ice. Blood on the ice is an important theme in this book, hence the blood droplets underneath the spiders. So in a way, the cover is perfect for the story and they definitely look like a part of the same series. I wasn't sure if I quite liked it, but it's growing on me. What do you think?

The book did go on sale today. Go HERE for purchasing options.

A FAVOR ==> If you are looking for an idea for a post (I'm not asking for any special treatment), could you just mention the cover in a snippet either today or tomorrow?

I'm not blogging tomorrow so I'll see you Monday.


  1. Another beautiful cover, and strong connection between the two. Definitely speaks of going up a level in intensity. Cool.


  2. I love how they did the cover to be similiar to the first one, but yet not the same. Will post about it next Thursday. Also read the first few pages last night and the story sure starts out with a bang. I'm not just being nice. :)

  3. Done!

  4. Congrats, Michael! The cover fits perfectly with the book! Yay!

  5. Your cover is great. I liked the last one too. I'll put a snippet in my post tomorrow.

  6. I like the excerpt and you already know I like the cover. Congrats Michael. (:

  7. Congrats again! Okay, you twisted my arm. I'll feature it tomorrow instead of Monday. :)

  8. Ewwwww!!!! Creeeeepy scene, Michael!!!! But really great. :-)

  9. Michael, I love both of your covers. As soon as I read Slipstream (I know, I am tremendously behind on my reading), I'd like to feature you on Rock Star Writers--something I started awhile back, then abandoned for a time.

  10. Lots of creepy crawlies! I'm weird in that I actually like spiders.

    Your front cover made me think of Ron Weasley. "Follow the spiders? Follow the spiders! If Hagrid ever gets out of Azkaban, I'll kill him."


  11. Congrats on the launch! That is one freaky awesome cover!

  12. It's very Maya-esque (as in the 3D rendering software, not the culture). The thing I love the most is the intricate reflection detail on the spiders legs. The thing I hate the most is - spiders.

  13. Good job. I can't decide whether to say I liked, or enjoyed that snippet. Maybe I'll just say I found it quite interesting and want to read the book. Alas, I have have to sort out my Kindle issues first. You can be sure I'll get it though! Hope it does really well.

  14. Done and done!

    btw: I voted- mail-in ballot earlier in the month. All the issues I said "yes" to passed. Including legalized marijuana! (including more funding for the library!) Awesome. I'm skeptical about what the dems will do in the next few years but I am glad we've kept the right from committing further destruction. Interesting times my friend, interesting times.

  15. Michael, I have a blog hop starting tomorrow. I hope it's OK I post about it Monday?

  16. Here's the short link:

  17. Congratulations!! I'll have to give you a shout out on my blog. I wish you all the best and huge success with this.

  18. Congratulations on the cover and the book. It does catch one's attention. I am not a fan of spiders and can become Hitler in a split second. Good luck!

  19. Ooh, congrats on getting another great cover. High impact with the spiders and the bright color. Your novels are going to look great all lined up on the bookshelf together. :))

    And cool scene!

  20. I could try to mention it tomorrow, which will be "today" for you? :)

    Congratulations Michael!!!

  21. I love this cover. It creeps me out and intrigues me simultaneously, which is exactly what the excerpt did.

  22. cool cover, mike...but you leave me confused

    you begin with 'kathy' doing 'as instructed'... where did 'kolin' come from, or did she morph into him?

  23. Wish I was blogging this month - I'd totally promote this. This excerpt is soooo creepy; right up my alley for promotions. Love the spider aspect.

    Good luck Michael! I know this novel will go far in promoting your web presence :) Have a good weekend.


  24. blogger doesn't like me. I've left two previous comments which it said posted and didn't. Congrats Mike.


  25. You've been sneaky! I had no idea you were so close to being done.

    I love the cover and think it looks great! Congratulations!

  26. I'll be happy to make mention in a post next week. Who does your cover art? Very cool. Good luck with Oculus!

  27. Saw the thumbnail on "The Funnily Enough" and it really jumped out! Congrats!

  28. I just bought Oculus! And even though it has mechanical spiders that do nasty things to humans, I'll read and enjoy the story very soon. Congratulations big time, Michael -- how exciting for you!

  29. @L.G. Keltner: Thank you.

    @Alex: Thanks. I'm heading to your blog now. Been so busy today it's crazy.

    @Moody: Thank you sir. I heard you put it in the funnily enough, and I appreciate that.

    @Cindy: Thanks dearie. Yeah, Deron made them intentionally similar so they would smack of the same series.

    @Em: Thank you. I need to make the rounds. Been so busy today.

    @Laura: Thank you very much, Laura

    @Adam: Thank you sir.

    @Cherie: Did you know I put you in the book's dedication?

    @Susan: Thank you!

    @Elise: I ordered paperbacks today. I'll be sending you a signed one, Elise so don't buy one. I'm also probably going to design some bookmarks for my blog tour in December/January.

    @Michael: Thank you sir.

    @Andrew: Mmmhmm

    @Morgan: LOL

    @SusanO: I'd love to guest post for you, Susan :)

    @Jai: LOL Oh I wish I was as popular as J.K. Rowling. If I was, I'd give all my writer friends a million dollars. Seriously, I'd do that. Send every single one of em a check.

    @nutschell: I love your nuts sir. Thank you for displaying them in the comment.

    @Matthew: Gotcha. You do realize that your avatar is now owned by Disney? I think I could design a new one that has Yoda holding a Disney princess wand.

    @Joy: I appreciate your honest critique. May the palm trees of Jamaica bring you great shade in the sunshine by an aquamarine pool filled with hot men.

    @Danette: YES! Thank you swing state voter.

    @Shay: That would be fine dearest Shay.

    @Melissa: How could you post when American Horror Story is about to start?

    @Patricia: Thank you so much.

    @L.G.: Thank you. I think they will look good all lined up. Too bad I'm with a small pub and they don't get into the bookstores.

    @Trisha: Muchos gracias senorita.

    @Cally: Thank you.

    @Laughingwolf: I fixed it for you with an edit to give ppl some perspective. Confusion is bad.

    @Donna: Thanks for all you do, miss Donna. Your name is on my dedication page :)

    @Charity: It's not that I've been sneaky. This thing got dropped in my lap this week. Deron just decided to do it pmuch without warning.

    @Stephen: Thank you Mr. Manhattan. And the cover is done by Deron Douglas of DDP. He's my publisher (I'm with a small press).

    @Dalya: I just thanked Moody.

    @Helena: Doh! Thank you miss. I appreciate that you wanted to read the sequel. I hope you find it to your liking :)

  30. Woot, woot! I know this is slow, but I will feature Oculus on Monday, Nov. 19th. I made a note on my calendar. Congrats, Michael.

  31. I saw the title of this post and the first line on my Goodreads front page. Then I quickly went and wrote 500 words so I could use the post as a reward. :)

    Your cover looks great, and as everyone else says, it goes amazing with your previous cover. I like the changing of the central color from book to book.

    I will be posting about this on Monday! It's been put in my schedule.

  32. The cover is neat. Congrats !
    The second book came quite fast huh?

  33. Congrats on this coming out! I like that cover a lot! I love red. :)

  34. Glad my spider jewelry hadn't gone out of style with your new publication. I shared on Facebook!

  35. In a side-by-side comparison, the two covers go together perfectly... and would look lovely in hardcover on anyone's shelf. I think you made a good choice. Of course, if it were my shelf in question, it would have to be downstairs away from where I dream, as I already have a pretty good case of arachnophobia ;-)

  36. Congratulations Michael, the cover is wonderful, the story line is quite interesting. I'll check out on purchasing a copy. Congratulations again.

  37. Oooh, good cover, and love the bright colors!

  38. That's a really cool cover... Stands out and grabs my attention. Plus, who doesn't love spider stories:)

  39. Merci, Michael. And the bookmarks are an excellent idea.

  40. "...millions of glass spiders emerged and washed across the black asphalt like a glittering flash flood..." Very nice!

  41. Awesome cover. Congratulations on the release. I am off to purchase it now.

  42. I got a few of my buddies (non-writers) to get your book. This is perfect timing. Can't wait to read Oculus!!!

  43. @Melissa: Thanks for your support :)

    @Jay: Awesome dude. You are the best.

  44. I've got to join the throng, that is one freakin' cool cover. And I bet the inside ain't too shabby, either. Congratulations, Michael.
