
Friday, October 12, 2012


From Wikipedia -- Vorarephilia (often shortened to vore) is a paraphilia where arousal occurs from the idea of eating, or being eaten by, another person, by an animal, or by a plant. The fantasy may sometimes involve the victim being swallowed dead or alive, and may or may not include digestion.
Cool statue, eh?
Ever heard of Armin Meiwes? He's serving a life sentence in Germany after he killed and ate a willing victim that he met over the internet. The case got a lot of attention as people debated whether it was truly murder given the victim's conscious consent to the act. Here's the link to his Wikipedia page.

Can you believe that this fetish is real? That there are actually people out there who want to get eaten because it is arousing? Clive Barker could not top this real life story.

That's it for today's entry. I hope I didn't scare you too much.

On Monday, I'm hosting author Patrick Dilloway as part of his blog tour. So you'll have to wait until Tuesday for number 2 in my Halloween Fetish Countdown.

Have a great weekend.


  1. My relatioship with cake is similarly sexual.

    Moody Writing

  2. Ewwww. I can believe it though. Of course, it would be the arousal of a lifetime...and the last one.

  3. I wanted scramble eggs for breakfast, not a scramble brain. I can't even fathom the facts here, they're so dicey, pardon the pun. I'm confused...if the guy's dick is off, where's his pleasure?

  4. That is nasty, which I'm sure will be my blanket comment for these posts. Too bad I'm gumming up the works on Monday.

  5. I read the definition and scrolled down quickly. Super icky and nightmarish. My skin is crawling.

  6. Ew! I can't imagine what's going through someone's mind to be turned on by the idea of being chow.

  7. This is the only post I've ever read that caused me to reach for my Tums. Burp!

  8. Gee. Wonder if I could get an interview with the cannibal guy.

  9. It's horrible how sick the human mind can sometimes become. Jeffrey Dahmer came to mind when I read this. *cringe*

  10. May I just say GAG on this one?

  11. Well, I have cried out "eat me!" before, but didn't quite have this in mind. Thankfully, neither did my partner.

  12. chill bumps on my chill bumps! so creepy!
    perfect for this time of year...
    hard to believe some of the sick people out there! ah!

  13. I'm going to choose to think of The Restaurant at the End of the Universe at this juncture.

  14. I have never heard of this. And usual fetishes or weird things roll right off me but this kind of creeped me out.
    I've been reading a lot of weird creepy stuff though lately (especially last night) so i may be a bit moer oversensitized than usual

  15. I told you I was going to read this with one eye closed, so all I saw was a reference to eating people or whatever and then scrolled down. Yuck. I know these people exist, but I prefer to live in denial. :(

  16. Why did they choose his penis to eat first? Leigh is right. The victim couldn't get a lot of arousal after that. And why did the murderer overcook it? Hannibal at least could cook. My brain hurts.

  17. How do you get "aroused" if you are dead - and eaten. I mean, does your murder/chef allow you time to enjoy the turn on by slowly killing your, eating you alive, or just letting your relish the upcoming event for a while before committing the deed?


  18. Note to self: Don't reply to internet requests from people who want to eat you.

  19. You have totally creeped me out. Can anyone be that disturbed?

  20. I hate to even admit it, but this is an awesome idea for a Halloween Blog post. I mean, I was scrolling through my blogs I follow looking for a contest I meant to enter, and I saw the title. Creepy and Disgusting, but definitely intriguing. Who DOESN'T want to know about weird sex fetishes. haha

    All that being said, this first one is gross. Just...blech

  21. Hey Michael,
    Yes, my human friend, it's me, Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet star, who has somehow reached superstar status.

    Plenty to chew on in this article. Food for thought, indeed. My human said he knows about that alarming story you mentioned from Germany.

    And PT is a superhero!

    Pawsitive wishes, Penny :)

  22. I enjoyed the episode of "The IT Crowd" where Moss meets the German cannibal and they watch his Tarantino movie.

  23. Eeww... that one is majorly creepy... I didn't even know this was a fetish...

  24. I think I do believe this sort of stuff happens but nevertheless it is creepy! The stuff out of Edgar Allen Poe or some other horror writer. btw: did you see Raven? Quite an interesting literary/horror flick. Perhaps tried a bit too hard, but still worth watching as we near Halloween. Cheers Michael!

  25. I remember that story, it's pretty messed up .... I am kind of hungry now though...


  26. OMG...just when I'm eating breakfast.

    I had no idea this fetish existed.

  27. "Cannibalism is never an option" -- this after many of the other students demanded the dwarves eat Bombur instead of dragging his heavy arse around. (Reading The Hobbit with my 8th graders again this year; always a hoot.)

  28. I don't even know how you would figure out that you have that fetish. It sounds like kind of a one time deal.

  29. Ugh, it is too early to read about people eating each other. Yuck. There are some strange fetishes. How does one even figure out they have such a fetish. That was rhetorical, please, I don't want to know. :)

  30. I couldn't possibly have picked a more creepy post to read before bedtime, Michael.

    I tried watching Breaking Bad via Netflix but couldn't get into it. Not sure why, especially considering I love the Deadwood series which can be just as disturbing.
