
Friday, September 28, 2012

Samuel L. Jackson and the best Obama ad ever

I saw this yesterday and laughed. Y'all know I'm a democrat, but this ad from Samuel L. Jackson is hilarious and clever. Wake the F*CK UP! No offense intended toward the Republicans. I just think this ad is funny, and if you haven't seen it, you might want to press play.
Have a great weekend :)


  1. I'm not even American and I thought that was brilliant.

  2. Hey,

    I'm a Romney Republican, but an American first and I always *love* to know what the other side is thinking, so thanks for sharing :)

    PS... Good luck on 11.06 :)

  3. I'm sensing that's not safe for work.

  4. I bet that kid must have loved yelling out her last line.

  5. This is brilliant, and fits in nicely with his reading of Go the Fuck to Sleep.

    However, all kidding aside, I'm not too worried about the election. Romney just keeps digging deeper and deeper.

  6. Oh, man, that was brilliant.

    @Matt: I don't think it's time to quit worrying. With things the way they are in the M.E., things could still go bad even with Romney sticking his feet in his mouth and going back for more.

  7. I wonder why I haven't seen this commercial in Prime Time. Just joking, but it is a lot of fun.

  8. I don't ordinarily approve of swearing, except when Samuel L. Jackson does it. Somehow, it seems right when he swears. Samuel L. Jackson swearing is like the tide coming in, or the sun rising in the east, or gravity: a part of nature.

  9. I saw a link to that just yesterday, but I got stuck at work all day and didn't have a chance to check it out.

  10. I haven't seen this before today. "We're all on our own if Romney has his way." That's what has scared me about him from the beginning.
    Love Jackson's approach! Thanks for sharing.

  11. Sorry...if my granddaughters saw this ad and asked me why Jackson was cussing in a presidential campaign ad, I'd have to say it was a great example of the dumbing down of American. The Dems could do better. And hmm? Isn't Jackson a millionaire?

  12. I loved it. If Romney wins I will be pretty shocked and totally disheartened.

  13. Priceless. And Wake Up goes for more than just the election.

  14. never more true: IT AIN'T OVER TIL IT'S OVER... WTFU... MOFOS!

    wot? you think a gazillionaire gives a shit, or ever will, about YOU?


  15. Samuel L Jackson is now officially in everything. Haha. That was an entertaining and engaging ad, just what people need to cut through the daze.

  16. That was awesome! And so true.

    I am surpressing the urge to post a long anti-Republican rant here.

  17. Almost a perfect complement to 2016: Obama's America.

  18. I love this! Totally awesome. Thanks for sharing it!

  19. Totally cool. Maybe I'll do some waking up myself :)

