
Monday, August 20, 2012

The American Horror Story Asylum Teaser

In my opinion, the first season of American Horror Story broke new ground in a tired genre of cliche stereotypes. I was held spellbound by the tale of a family that had moved into a haunted house. I told myself, there's no way you can kill off main characters in the first season. Yet that's exactly what they did. They killed off the entire family by the finale and wow, was it ever epic.

Season two is an entirely different story, set in an asylum. Some of the same actors and actresses are returning, only they are cast in different roles. Season one and season two are unrelated.

This approach is absolutely brilliant. And because the writing was so good in the first season, I will be right there for the premiere in October with my popcorn and DVR ready.

Anyway, here is the first Asylum teaser trailer that got released last week. This is the perfect example of a great hook only in video form and not written down.
In this short clip, here are the elements that we get. 1) We hear a ringing bell. That could be a church service in the background or a call to prayer or just the time of day. But it's kind of creepy. 2) There's a nun in a habit walking away from the camera carrying two buckets.  What's in the buckets? Body parts.  We hear birds chirping which might mean that this is meant to be food for the local animals. 3) The nun is not panicked in any way. It's obviously a duty that she does often.
Creepy Nun! What's in the bucket? Body parts?! OMG
Holy crap! I'm hooked. I've got to know more. What's going on here? Are nuns feeding people to the local animals? Why are the human bodies all chopped up? Who put the body parts in the buckets? Do we actually see the bodies getting chopped up? Are they gonna go there? AHS is dripping in blood and gore so, maybe. They showed kids getting blown away last year in a Columbine type massacre and women getting horrific abortions that resulted in their deaths. So many questions, so few answers.

Tomorrow I will be participating in Ciara Knight's takeover of the blogosphere with "Weighted." Have a great Monday.

EDIT: I was mistaken on the interview posting date. I will be featured on Brinda's blog next Monday.


  1. I can't even begin to explain how excited I am for the new season to start!!

  2. I'm very jealous, we don't have this show in the UK, yet. I'll certainly be looking out for it now!

  3. Oh hell no. Not for me. Enjoy your creepy nun sprinkling body parts in the woods. I do like the way the teaser was filmed though. It has that old film reel effect that makes it extra creepy. Nightmares, thanks for the nightmares.

  4. Now if I killed off all my characters, people would hate me. That video is creeeeepy. *shiver*

  5. Hey Michael,

    Very creepy nun. *shudder*

    Your post goes up next Monday. I'm sorry about the date mix-up. Please invite people back then because they will love this interview!

  6. That sounds confusing to recast some of the same actors. Though really having an entirely different thing for season 2 is probably a good idea to keep things from getting too stale. Plus it has to be cheaper.

  7. I'll try to watch. I heard some great things about this show.

  8. I might have to check this out. Too scary though might turn me off. I'm a chicken.

  9. Yeah, that might be too scary for me, LOL!

  10. I haven't seen this show yet, but it does look good.

  11. Dude! Don't you know what a wuss I am? I'm going to have to force myself NOT to think about this, so I can sleep at night. It's kind of sad - I used to enjoy scary stuff, but now I'm too big of a wimp!

  12. I was pretty excited for the first season of AHS, but for some reason, I was underwhelmed. I'm not sure I can even explain why.

  13. This is probably not a show that will ever make my "to watch" list.

  14. You do like the STRANGE and obscure, don't you Michael?

    Glad to hear how excited you are about it.

  15. Not a horror fan, but you do pose some interesting questions as to what's going down in this series.

  16. Very excited, the first season was brilliant! So much to look forward to this fall, walking dead...Dexter and sons of anarchy are among the ever growing list :)

  17. Haven't watched this show, but we have started watching "Grimm." I don't think we'll be sticking with it; much too formulaic but I do like the fact that it's filmed right here in Portland, Oregon.

  18. I LOVED American Horror Story last season and cannot wait to see it again!


  19. Yikes. Never seen this, but the trailer is interesting.

    Me: "Was that a head?"

  20. I am salivating for this new season. :)

  21. One of these days you're going to highlight something I actually watch, and I'll be able to squee with you. I tried to start this show. Really. I had like five on the DVR and I realized that I was never going to get to it.

  22. ah, Mikey, unlike you, I couldn't watch if beyond the first episode. It was just overly bizzare and with no reason or goal. I do get why people liked it, but I don't like when such things are unjustified. I did enjoy Dylan's naked bum, naturally :)

  23. Ew, ew, ew---I reaaaaally wish I didn't have that nun image in my mind right now! If I were into this stuff, I'd be so on top of this show. Sadly, I'm a Weenie with a capital W :)

  24. That's one of the things I love about Torchwood. they're not afraid to kill off the cast, so peril is always scary. Will have to check this show out.

  25. Oh no, I read what happened in the end of the first season. Drats. Oh well, maybe I'll still watch it. Thank you so much for participating!

  26. Too creepy for me. Don't want the nightmares. But, if you look closely, it does look like fingers looped over the right bucket in the nun's hands. And, who is she feeding?

  27. I saw the other trailer with the nun in white. So freakin' creepy. I'm going to have nightmares. I heard that Adam Levine is going to be in AHS' upcoming season.

  28. Nuns can be scary, especially weilding rulers, like the ones in my grade school. I won't be watching that show.

  29. I am SOOOOOOO STOKED about this second season! The first possessed me! (Not literally.) (I don't think.) Anyway, thanks for posting the teaser! Jessica Lange is returning, right? Wish Connie Britton would too, I loved her in season 1 (though I couldn't *STAND* Mulroney's character!). And I have to admit to having been just a weeeeee bit turned on by the Rubberman. Mostly, he terrified me, but...yeah. Amazing how he could make my skin crawl just standing still, off to the side, somewhere. CAN'T WAIT!!!!!
    Some Dark Romantic

  30. This is one of the best, freshest shows on the TV. By comparison, it makes the so-so shows unbearable ... which is actually great for my time management.
