
Thursday, July 26, 2012

Drugs for a better tomorrow

Have a great Thursday.

Images courtesy of Valerio Loi


  1. They probably work. Hoorah for the placebo effect.

  2. We're in a sad state if we need drugs to get there.

  3. The scary thing is that one this will probably be the case.

  4. Well, I named 3 of the 4 before I even looked. I forgot empathy. Too, I wouldn't doubt if there were one or more "scientists" experimenting in some shoddy basement or lab working on a chemical version of the above.

    By the way, if you're up to it, I am hosting a Dog Days of Summer blog fest August 10-12 if you'd be interested.


  5. I know some folks who need regular injections of a few.

  6. Like Cor. 13 - Faith, Hope, Love. Best way to live one's life.

  7. Thanks Michael. I'll take my drugs,thanks. D

  8. I get the same effects from a nice cup of tea.


  9. Sounds like a future I'd like to live in.

  10. This might not be too far from the truth in the future!

  11. Am I the only one who thought this was a scary image? Reminded me of that Doctor Who episode.

  12. And to think whoever can make that a reality will be the richest sucker in history. Too bad I failed chemistry. :)

  13. I recently read a short story collection with a story about a drug company that figured out how to artificially create emotions. You'd probably enjoy it.

  14. I've enough empathy to sell it myself, but I'd buy me some lurv and joy (all kinds of it) and some mental peace too and world peace off course,not that money could buy it....

  15. There is a lot I don't understand and that I thought I once did. Like the story of "Pandora," for example. As I recall the story, Pandora let all the troubles of the world out, but trapped Hope in the box, alone?

    Which would mean that we live in a world full of trouble without even Hope?

    Or did she save Hope by trapping it in a box, which is a confusing message?

    Your post made me ponder that, and now I am confused. Got anything for that?

  16. So based on Wikipedia, Pandora was created as punishment for mankind and originally didn't have a name. Also, she was supposed to be the explanation for why there is evil in the world, but that just proves the Greeks were dumb because they asked "Why is there bad in the world?" and answered it with "Because it was in a jar on Mount Olympus." which doesn't answer the question, which should be "Why is there a jar of bad on Mount Olympus," the answer to which is "The Gods in Greece weren't these "Gods of Love" that didn't tolerate bad, they were more "Gods of Let's Just Make Things Interesting For People" and so it's easily explicable why there are bad things, but what's NOT explicable is:

    1. How is creating a woman of clay punishment for mankind?

    2. Why was mankind being punished for Prometheus' crime?

    3. Why did they keep Hope in the same jar as all the bad things?

    I like your posts, Michael. They get me thinking.

  17. Please send me a dose of each. I've included my credit card number. Wait---maybe not.

  18. Yes, have some. I'll take five of each.

  19. Thanks for the pills. Right back at ya with the good thoughts for Thursday.

  20. Hopefully we don't need drugs to get there, but I'd love a future filled with all of those things. :-)

  21. Being able to take those would be nice.

  22. You'd have to create a second batch: despair, misery, hate, apathy and war for the idiots that OD on the first batch.

  23. If I take peace, will it be for mankind of just for me? Either way, I'll take it.
