
Friday, May 25, 2012

Science-fiction news that caught my eye this week

Here's the Prometheus International poster.
I really liked this Prometheus featurette that came out on May 21st. It has Charlize Theron talking about her character Meredith Vickers, and how she's the one in charge of the doomed mission in the movie. It has some clips that I hadn't seen previously, including a part where she roasts some guy in his own space suit with a flame thrower saying, "I'm not letting him back on my ship." It's really intense.
In addition to Prometheus (which continues to enjoy viral marketing), the Walking Dead started filming season three. Of the choice words being said to the camera were "There are samurai sword wielding characters that are turning up..." I love the summer, but I can't wait for the Walking Dead to return in the fall. But before that happens, I'll be able to enjoy the last season of Breaking Bad which promises to be absolutely amazing.
And last but not least, if you are someone (like me) that enjoyed watching Falling Skies last year, it has been renewed and is returning to TNT this June. So in the movies we get Prometheus and Brave, and on television we get aliens from outer space conquering Earth. Summer is shaping up to be pretty hot. Anyone else seeing MIB 3 this weekend? I'll probably try to catch one showing tonight.


  1. My significant other and I were just talking about how we couldn't wait for October so we could watch season three of Walking Dead.

    I started watching Falling Skies last summer and liked it but I just didn't have time to keep watching it.

    No plans to see MiB 3.

  2. Nice news. Seeing the preview for Prometheus at a movie recently, I was totally sucked in. Can't wait to see it!

  3. I can't wait for both Falling Skies and Walking Dead to come back. I'm not even interested in TV since those (and Justified) ended.

    I'm looking forward to watching Prometheus.


  4. I can't wait to see Prometheus. I'm a big fan of Charlize Theron.

  5. Few more weeks! Today we get MIB III.
    Don't forget Ciara's book cover was revealed today as well.

  6. I can't wait to see Prometheus. I think we are going to watch Aliens again this weekend.

  7. They should have stopped making MIB movies after the first one.

    I was watching Gladiator on HBO yesterday which got me wondering what Ridley Scott had done between Blade Runner and Gladiator. Um, not a lot. Legend, Thelma & Louise, 1492, White Squall, GI Jane...not a lot of high cards in that hand.

  8. I want to see Prometheus. It looks awesome.

  9. I. Must. See. This. Movie!

    And after reading your post, I want to re-visit Walking Dead and Falling Skies.
    IMO, the first episodes were rocky and I quit watching them. Maybe I was too quick to judge.

    Question: Prometheus is a prequel to Alien?

  10. Ooh, I'm looking forward to The Walking Dead too!

  11. The Walking Dead comic is pretty good too. All 90+ issues.

    Prometheus looks pretty good. Doubt I'll see MIB3.


  12. I really want to see MiB3, but I'm not sure it's going to happen.

  13. I can't decide if mib3 looks good or not. Hopefully you will blog about!

  14. I'm looking forward to some of those shows. Can't wait!

  15. I still haven't seen FALLING SKIES, but I must!

  16. Yeah, I really want to see Prometheus.

  17. Entertainment Weekly just had a big feature on Prometheus last week. No, two weeks ago.

    It's time for the marketing push. What, you still don't have a countdown to the movie clock up?

  18. Looking forward to the return of Falling Skies. I have plans to see Prometheus with some writer gal pals in June.

  19. I own season one of Falling Skies and Walking Dead, but I haven't watched them all yet. I haven't even seen Avengers yet. I'm so lame. But I hope to see Prometheus when it comes out.

  20. I'm looking forward to Prometheus and Brave. Not much for TV, so I missed Falling Skies but it sounds pretty cool

  21. Prometheus has been on my radar since I first saw the preview. Definitely looking forward to seeing it.

  22. I have a huge girl crush on Charlize Theron. (:

  23. prometheus!!!!
    sci fi is awesome & unlimited!

  24. Prometheus looks outstanding. I can't wait.
