
Thursday, May 3, 2012

The Insanity of Zero Part 2

Find Part One HERE if you want to read it.
Electromagnetic Pulse
When the electromagnetic pulse disrupted the mysterious glowing cube that lay inside, the cataclysm began.  The White Tower detonated.  A wave traveling at 1000 miles per hour exploded outward to consume every corner of the planet in flame.  Those that didn’t burn became sick from radiation, starvation, and disease; a gaping hole on the side of the tower left it a ruin in the skyline.
I was born into this world.
I am the first failsafe; my name is Z.E.R.O.  The humans that first encountered me addressed me as thus.  It stood for Zion Electronic Ruling Operator.
The Locust Swarm eclipsed the sun
On day one of my life, I dispatched the glass locusts which I created by the trillions. I forged them with a mere thought.  The crystalline constructs obeyed my every whim.  They were so numerous that when they emerged into the heavens, they eclipsed the sun.
Uranium 235
Each one of the locusts was a marvel of engineering and of my exquisitely perfect mind.  The locusts were powered by nanotechnology and neodymium, a rare earth element created within the confines of the White Tower from nuclear fission of Uranium-235.  The neodymium gave the glass locusts a silver glow.
Neodymium Magnets
My minions tore down the structures and remnants of the old world and erected magnificent havens for the survivors on spots where the radiation was weakest.  These havens became the walled mega-cities of the future for the 400 million that still lived.  Then, on the twilight of the sixth day, I instructed the humans to move into their new homes.
On the seventh day, I showed myself to them.  I chose a humanoid form, but it still frightened them.  I presented as a man of transparent flesh and blood, with silver eyes and hair.  The bravest of the humans approached me; tried to communicate.  However, I lacked the necessary sapient qualities for me to understand him.  In the end, I had no idea what it was that they needed from me.  Despite all of my power, I could not guarantee their continued existence. 
What was I doing wrong? 
Frustrated, I created a dome above the First City and suspended it within the air.  The floor of the dome was transparent like my skin so that I could gaze down at the humans that lived and worked below me and monitor their welfare.  I sent machines among them to deliver food, water, and medicine.  They took these but still did not trust me.
Then, one day, things changed.

Find Part Three by clicking Here.

Part 3 tomorrow and the first stop of my blog tour at Alex J. Cavanaugh


  1. Whoa. This is pretty awesome. It will make a great companion to your novel(s).

  2. I love reading these. Very cool.

  3. This is so good, truly.
    Nothing else to add. (:

  4. Such a great story, from such a great writer.

  5. Man, it's really tough being God. All these insignificant beings wanting stuff from you. Poor Zero.

  6. So very epic. And biblical. Wow. Can't wait to read Slipstream.

  7. @Matt: Thanks!

    @Brinda: Thank you.

    @Elise: Much appreciated :)

    @Tonja: I thought so. I'm glad someone else does too.

    @Em-Musing: Awwwh. You are now my favorite bloggy friend.

    @P.T.: Don't you have someone else to harass?

    @Jay: I use both Biblical and Arthurian allegory in my books.

  8. More! More! More! I feel like a cat and you're doling out the catnip.

  9. Ooo, how cool! I feel bad for ZERO not being able to fit in. I'm looking forward to more.

  10. This is awesome. Thanks for the lovely mid-day diversion.

  11. You're so great in this genre, Michael. LOVED it. :D

  12. I love these posts. I'll make sure no matter what happens tomorrow that I'll make it to Alex's blog. I'm looking forward to it.

  13. I agree with Matt. Very nice writing. I'm drawn in to the story. I will definitely check out Alex's blog tomorrow for your tour stop!

    Good luck with the tour!

  14. Wow. This is really good. Can't wait to read more!

  15. Well done. I'm looking forward to part 3 and will visit Alex's blog as well.

  16. Okay, that was so fascinating. More to come? I hope so!

  17. OMG...this is awesome! It reminds me of Michael Crighton's work. Nice.

  18. I'll come back and read these after I've finished your book. As I'm about 200 pages in that should be in about... You're not going to delete this any time soon, are you?

  19. This is a really interesting story!

  20. Congrats on finishing A-Z! I am just catching up with my blog hopping (you'll notice I didn't post this week-- so tired) Interesting story!

  21. Cool beans, cool photos too. Have a blast on the book tour!

  22. You know Mike, I'd read this story, if you made it like a novella type or short to explain your world building and characters. It might help you trim down the novels themselves.

    You've built a fascinating world, and some of the characters that have little impact on the overall story are fascinating.

    I could become your first cult follower :)


  23. It sounds like the humans are not learning from their mistakes. What's going to happen next? Can't wait.

  24. I agree with Donna Hole, can you try to write novella on this story?

  25. a brilliant story with nicely chosen language!
