
Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Up by Pixar

If only all stories, and all lives were this perfect. UP was a great film because of the age of its characters. Not only that though, it touched on issues of Ellie not being able to have a child, loneliness, and how two people can be so perfect for each other right from the very start. Whatever writers at Pixar came up with this story are absolutely brilliant. It's really the first movie I ever went to with my father where he said afterward, "I really liked this movie."

This is the octogenarian story that stole my heart.


  1. I agree. Great movie.


  2. I love that this movie is a connection you have with your dad.

    This is my U as well-nicely done.

  3. Sometimes it seems like Pixar are the only company making really original, thoughful movies anymore.


  4. A gorgeous story that broke my heart. I sob every time!

  5. Awe, you're just a bit softy. This was a beautiful part of the story.

  6. This movie made me cry. I normally don't like movies that turn me into a blubbering mess, but this one is an exception.

  7. It was sad when they showed you how great their life was up until old age when his wife couldn't do the things she used to do. And then one day she was gone.

    That was beautiful.

  8. I LOVED this movie! That is, if it's the same one with the house that could go through the air with the balloons?

  9. The gifs made me smile. Thanks.

  10. Sadly this was not one of my favorite Pixar movies. It was too sad and depressing. Maybe it's because as I get older, the whole dying thing becomes more real and losing my wife like that just isn't something I want to think about.

  11. The first 10 minutes of that movie were the best part. The rest was OK. Still it was amazing how they managed to convey so much without any dialog or anything like that.

  12. I loved UP and while I was enjoying it, I never considered all the elements that were there for great storytelling.

  13. *hangs head in shame*

    Still haven't seen this movie. It's going on the DVD list now.

  14. One of my favorite movies of all time. And one of the best if not the best love scene between Carl and Ellie captured in eight minutes.

  15. One of my favorites too. My little guy only wants to watch Cars. Ugh.

  16. I love this movie. And I cry every single time. And I always go back for more.

  17. Holy crap, i cried so hard at the beginning of up. It still chokes me up (GASP! See what i did there?)
    It didn't help that i was already sad from the short that played before it (the one with the clouds making the baby animals. I just felt so sad for him when he thought his stork had left him)

  18. Mrs. Chatterbox and I loved "Up." It was magical from beginning to end, and the pathos in it just made it greater.

  19. I love this movie! it always makes me cry :'(

  20. Love Up. And you are doing so well with the challenge Michael.

    Michael, my blog has a new address and it is on my profile. Thank you.

  21. Loved,loved,loved this movie. I've missed your blog, I'm back and will go back and catch up. Thanks for a great boost today.

  22. With a recommendation like that, I will have to see this movie.

  23. I love this movie! So sweet and endearing. My kids love to watch it too! It has some really neat twists in it and they relationships are awesome!

  24. It was probably the most touching movie they've done. Well, except, maybe, for the end of Toy Story 3. That made me cry more than Up did.

  25. Oh how I cried through this superb movie!

  26. I think it's good to have characters in different age groups in a story. I try to do this in my own writing.

  27. Pixar really knows how to hit those universal themes. I loved this movie.

  28. I remember someone posting some of these scenes and saying, "Pixar told a better love story in five minutes than Twilight did in four books." Which is very true. I got emotional just looking at the GIFs...

  29. After the first 10 minutes of that movie, whoever isn't touched by the couple's story just doesn't have a heart.

    This is one of those movies I can watch over and over again. And the chubby Asian kid is great!

  30. Sweet movie indeed. And I like how Ed Asner did the old man's voice. My sister once did an acting job with him and said he was a teddy bear. Nice that he fit the character this way.

  31. Such a great movie -- for kids and adults. Enjoyed it a lot.

  32. When I saw the previews I wasn't impressed. It was on Family channel, or Disney, not long ago and since nothing else was on, I started watching it; about half way through.

    Now I'd like to get the movie and watch the whole thing. The part I saw was quite touching.


  33. This is one of my favorite Pixar movies.

  34. Wonderful story and it kicks the claim that kids will only see movies starring other kids in the teeth.
