
Wednesday, March 21, 2012

The Star Wars Blogathon Challenge

Today, I'm posting my entry into Briane Pagel's ingenious Star Wars Blogathon that is happening at his blog located HERE. The goal is to post a 250-word story in which a character from one of your works in progress tries to write a Star Wars fan fiction. The key is to get this done BEFORE March 25th, so I'm squeaking in a few days under the wire. My entry is 248 words.


    “What are you working on, Kat?” Jordan asked his sister.
    “An ‘ode to Luke’s face’,” she said. “He was so handsome in Star Wars that it was difficult getting used to how much he changed when we watched Empire right afterwards. I still liked him…it’s just his nose was all I could notice for like the first hour of the film.”
    Jordan chuckled. “Yeah. He got messed up because of a huge car wreck in Corvette Summer. That’s why they invented the whole Wampa ice creature sequence. It was Lucas’ attempt to explain away why Luke’s face got all mashed up.”
   “So that wasn’t originally going to be part of the film?”
   “Nope,” Jordan said.
   “Well that sucks. Instead of reissuing Star Wars, Lucas should reboot the first three films and just hire actors with faces that aren’t messed up. Then there’d be no need for a Wampa ice creature.”
   “Who would play Luke?” he asked.
   She took a long hard stare at her brother who had sandy blond hair, blue eyes, and a slender build. “You could, but I doubt you could act.”
   “And why do you say that?” he asked defensively.
   “Because jocks don’t have the head for it.”
   “Okay, you either grossly complimented Lucas just now by saying that the actors that he hired for his Star Wars films were really good, or you just insulted me by implying I can’t possibly act with any ability. Which is it, Kat?”
   She smiled and said nothing.
Before the accident in "Corvette Summer"
After the accident from "Corvette Summer"


  1. Excellent story. I'd say she insulted Jordan. I'm so clueless I don't remember noticing how Luke changed. I do remember reading about his car accident.

  2. I'd go with complimenting Lucas; the man needs a little love :)

    I didn't realise the accident was between New Hope and Empire, I thought it was between Empire and Return. I'll have to rewatch my trilogy :)

  3. Hahahahahah, that is awesome! And halarious. I think it was both an insult and a compliment!

  4. That was quite funny... I knew spotted the scare on his face... there you go.

  5. That's a funny conversation, especially since I remember having conversations with my friends about Mark Hamill's scars after seeing The Empire Strikes Back.

  6. Funny!
    I remember seeing Corvette Summer in the theater. Wow, that was a long time ago.

  7. I never saw that and didn't realize he was injured while filming. I did remember something about him being offered the part to Eight is Enough, but they let him go because of the accident. Not sure that is accurate, but something I heard.

  8. Nice, though I'm disappointed you didn't work "Prometheus" in there somewhere.

  9. I can't believe I didn't know that about Corvette Summer. Wow.

  10. Hah! This was great! I really liked this

  11. I saw Corvette Summer on TV around '83. Haven't seen it since. I'm sure he wishes it was more memorable of a movie if he had to wear the scars of it forever.

    Good take on the entry though.

  12. Fun dialogue, Michael ;)

    And man, add that to my Star Wars "gee wiz" collection ;) Didn't know any of that! :D

  13. Cool idea. Lucas did a good job of explaining the facial changes with that abominable snowman from Rudolph, though...

  14. I knew an accident messed up his face, but I didn't know about Corvette Summer. Thanks for sharing.

  15. we don't really mind that jocks don't have the head for most of things.. they are good in certain important business :)

  16. I didn't know that. He did get less cute. Today, an airbag could've saved that nose.

    I enjoyed your entry. What an idea for a blogfest!

  17. Funny and informative writing Michael. I honestly don't know much about Luke Skywalker and can't remember any of it.

  18. pretty fun to read! I think every kid in my family could compete in this challenge...but they may have the advantage because i think they have the original scripts memorized.

  19. I remember when I used to think Luke Skywalker was hot. Ahh - those were the days. But I haven't watched these forever! I know - horrible! I'm hoping to buy them for my son for his birthday though. It gives me a reason to spend money without feeling guilty! hehehe. This is a fun bloghop. You did awesome!

  20. Funnily enough I finished a Star Wars Movie-Marathon last week. I have had prejudices about Star Wars before that which led to me never watching any movie...
    Wow, I totally regretted having these prejudices :)

  21. You know, they almost had to replce him entirely. Still, I suppose it's nice not to need make up to have someone with scars.

    I like your entry. Good job :)

  22. Nice enigmatic ending to your story. What classics the Star War movies are -- anyone could drop in on your story and know just what you're talking about.

  23. I love the relationship that shines through between these two.

    Also, could you have found a more unflattering picture than that second one? ;-)

  24. I learned something new. I never knew that about the accident. (Of course, I was dragged kicking and screaming to Empire, so I wasn't really paying attention to the backstory anyway.)

  25. Um, where was I when all this news broke? Maybe I was reading a book. I knew Hamil looked different, but I thought it was hard living and age.

    Cool story!

  26. I never understood why the snow monster scene was there, but just took it as part of the story. It's interesting to know that little bit of information. The pictures you posted really show the difference. I don't notice it so much watching the movies (my kids are addicted). I really liked the story, too! It was funny!
