
Monday, February 27, 2012

Conor Maynard owns Rihanna in this jaw-dropping cover of her song

So I found a video on YouTube put out by three people that covers "I love the way you lie, part 2" as featured on Rihanna's most recent album. In order of appearance, they are Nike Jemiyo, Conor Maynard, and Anth (rapping for Eminem's part and not as good as Eminem). I love Rihanna, and I think that the woman has an incredible voice. Yes, I own a bunch of her music.

Conor is the white guy that sings the second verse of this ballad starting at 1:22 if you just want to slide over and take a listen. I love all the faces he makes, sticking his tongue out and caught my attention.

Conor's vocals gave me CHILLS. This 19-year-old has one hell of a gift, and from the research I did on him, I guess he's becoming a star and his first actual single is out (he was discovered by Ne-yo). I actually enjoy Conor singing Rihanna's second verse MORE than Rihanna. I hardly ever say that. There's so many covers of Beyonce's "Single Ladies" including the one done on Glee, and I have never thought anyone did that song better than Beyonce. Ever.

I'm pretty much blown away. Listen for yourself.


  1. I'll have to check this out later when I'm at home!

  2. Ohh you're right... he does such a great job. I love this song...

  3. Yup, great video. And I one outdoes Eminem.

  4. I'm always looking for new tunes. Thanks for the tip.
    I watch for more songs from Conor.

  5. Conor is too good!! I'm not crazy about the rendition from the other two, so he definitely makes this song.

  6. The kid can sing. No doubt about that.

  7. Who? The only time I listened to Rihanna was she was on the new Coldplay album. Meh. She probably sounds like shit without all the fancy computers and stuff they have today.

  8. I'm laughing at Bulldog's comment. I'm not really a Rihanna fan. But I did like the song in the video.

  9. I don't like Nike's mannerisms. She seems like an "uppity girl" who thinks she's god's gift to the humanity. That's harsh, and may be untrue, but I've been around enough of them to know.

    Anyway, Conor is AMAZING. I hope he becomes famous someday, he is so incredibly talented!

  10. I do like the second voice that you talked about. Amazing!

  11. They all sound great. The guy does have a true gift. Wow.

  12. @TF: I like the lyrics.

    @Em-Musing: I'm not saying that it's not possible...just that rapper doesn't.

    @Huntress: I actually don't care for Conor's single. His voice is great. Just the song and the lyrics are "meh". Totally not his fault. It's in the writing, right?

    @Brinda: I agree

    @Rusty: I agree

    @Grumpy: I'm shocked you even know who Coldplay is.

    @L.G.: He thinks he's funny.

    @T.D.: Mmmm...I didn't get that from Nike.

    @Clarissa: I know, right?

    @Ciara: Thanks for visiting :)

  13. Holy shit-zu. That kid has got a voice. We have the same taste in music. Some of my buddies make fun of me, but I just punch 'em in the mouth and sooner or later, I catch them singing along!

    This video reminds me of The Shures. You ever see them on YouTube? They did a version of Lady Gaga's Pokerface that Glee totally ripped off. Oh, and they do a cool medley with Lady Gaga and Journey.

    I could listen to Conor Maynard all day.

  14. Great voice for someone so very young. (The older I get that harder it is to admit 19 is young. Yikes!)

  15. Amazing voice! Rihanna (or someone) pulled together so much talent for this song.

  16. This is just too cool. I love this version better. Thanks for sharing :)

  17. They are impressive all right. 'Course some rappers always come across as certifiable. :)

  18. My work pc blocks videos. Sad.
    I listen to a lot of rock and hard rock and a bit of metal, so i'm actually not all that familiar with Rihanna outside of one or two songs

  19. WOW!! "Blown away," may actually be an understatement. I'm at a loss for words. This is phenomenal. Talent - indeed!

  20. Wow. Some great talent. There's a record label called MPAX, so I get a lot of rapper following me on Twitter, because they don't read my bio & haven't figured out I'm not a music producer. You'd think the astronaut avatar would give it away. But, no. lol

  21. "I love Rihanna"
    blasphemy, blasphemy :)

  22. If I could sing even a smidge as well as any of these people I'd be totally psyched. When I sing, people's ears bleed.

    This was very cool. Thanks for sharing it. I don't listen to music nearly as much I'd like. Then something like this comes along, and I'm like, Ooh, music. I miss you.

  23. I liked this. The first singer did it well enough, although I might have trouble picking her out of a musical lineup. The second lad was excellent, I'll watch out for him. (Is he really 19? He looks much younger). The third guy was perfectly competent and didn't let the side down.

  24. I agree with you, his voice is amazing and I could listen to it all day.
