
Wednesday, January 18, 2012

When music and words collide...

Have you ever listened to a song and thought that the words captured the impact and emotion of a scene that plays out in your head? Or that the song somehow captures within its tune the very essence of a character?

I thought about this when I watched the season 2 premiere of one of my FAVORITE shows this past Monday. It's called Being Human. And it's on #SyFy :)))
To explain the cast a little bit starting in the upper right corner...

The "Lady Killer" is Aidan. He's a really nice vampire who has some difficult choices to make because his desire to be a "nobody" collides with the vampire political elite who want him to be involved in just about everything that is going on in Boston.

The "Wild Man" is Josh who through no fault of his own has been infected with lycanthropy.  He's impregnated his girlfriend and spread his disease unwittingly to her (it would seem). So he's got a lot of tough choices too. Tough in the sense that the "paranormal" won't stop for an instant and allow him to be "normal" which is all that he ever wanted.
And then there's "Sally". She is my favorite character in Being Human because her story is so incredibly sad. Like tear-jerker sad. It really moved me when I discovered that the reason she's a ghost is because her good-looking and charming boyfriend/fiancee murdered her. She didn't know it either. We find out about it about the same time that she does. And boy does he show his true colors. She had so much love and was such a kind person. But just like in real life...those types of things in no way insulate a person from experiencing the worst that life has to offer. I'm not one that believes in karma. Bad things happen to good people all the time.

At the end of season one, there's a scene where Sally looks on from the door and the song by Oasis called "Don't Look Back In Anger" plays. It even  has the line "And so Sally can wait, she knows it's too late as we're walking on by...Her soul slides away, but don't look back in anger I heard you say..."

And it really is just perfect because it has her name, she's a disembodied spirit, and she's been very angry and because of that, it's trapped her on earth. It more or less seared her story into my brain so that I'd come back for season two. And I think that's just amazing and clever writing.

Have a great Wednesday :)


  1. I haven't seen it yet but I'm sure I can find it somewhere online.

    From what I saw of the trailers it looks like a pretty great show. I think this will be a hit for SyFy, and one they totally need.

    Have a great Wednesday Michael!

  2. I saw the first series of the British version of this, but I haven't seen the American one. I love the Oasis song, thanks for the reminder :-)

  3. We only have the Kardashians on tv. Seriously, our tv sucks! But yes, music captures emotions of the words.

  4. Sounds interesting. I'll have to check it out.

  5. Don't you have like 27 favorite shows by now?

    I always wonder: does the ghost pay rent?

  6. I was going to say what Grumpy said. You have a lot of favorite shows. :)

    I hear songs sometimes that I think would be perfect playing in the background of a scene I've written. And sometimes scenes come together in my head after hearing a song that has that particular vibe I'm going for.

  7. I did not know there was an American version. I watch the British version.

  8. Music definitely helps me get in the mood when I'm writing scenes.

    Great post!

  9. Sounds like an awesome premise. It would be tough to let go, if someone had done that to you.

  10. LOVE me some Being Human! We haven't watched the premier yet. Probably won't have time until thursday, but i'm so glad it's back.
    Have you watched the original BBC version? I've heard it's amazing, but before i give it a shot i want to know how closely the syfy version follows it

  11. That is cool. So which came first, the show or the song?
    I don't watch TV at all so I'm in the dark when it comes to TV talk.

  12. I missed the season 2 premiere but I'll catch up ondemand. I love all the characters in that show and am glad it came to America.
    I know what you mean about songs. Sometimes the show creators get it just right.

  13. I think it's on Netflix now. I may check it out of the missus so wishes. Thanks.

  14. I watched the first few episodes of the British show and my eyes spent so much time rolling that they fell out of my head. I hate that. Do you know how hard it is to get carpet fuzz off of your eyes?
    Anyway, I've not felt inclined to try the American copy since the original was so bad. And cliche.

  15. I wish I could watch more TV. But with the kiddos around, it's tougher to watch non-kid friendly programs.

    I do DVR stuff, but with my time so limited, I never get the chance to watch whatever I've recorded!

    Personally, I'm burned out on the whole vampire/werewolf thing to the point where it's an immediate turn off. Which sucks, because I've heard such great things about this show.

  16. No TV, but this sounds like one I might watch. I'll check out Netflix.

    I listen to music when I write all the time. My characters have themes,that help me get into their heads. Glad to hear that's not so weird.

    Like the song. Thanks.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Haven't watched this one yet, but it sounds interesting. Re, music...the song that goes with the visuals that intros True Blood is spot on as far as setting tone. Have you ever watched True Blood?

  19. I saw this on netflix, I should check it out!

  20. The show sounds great. Wish I could let myself get hooked. I love Oasis.

  21. I love this show and I bawled my eyes out at that part! The hubs came in and asked what was wrong with me. I just blubbered about how sad it was, lol

  22. I love that Oasis song! And the lyrics work perfectly with the scene, it seems. My favorite song used on a TV show is a tie between "Breathe" by Sia in the Six Feet Under finale and "Chasing Cars" by Snow Patrol in the Grey's Anatomy season 2 finale. Both scenes will leave you teary-eyed.

  23. Eh. By now, you say "Vampire" and 87% of my brain shuts down and I find it hard to follow what comes next, which is why it's good that the radio announcers in Madison very rarely say "vampire" or I'd be a worse driver than I am already.

    Seriously, I find it hard to TYPE the word "vampire." Makes my fingers go numb.

    Despite that, you do a good job of selling this show. Can I hire you as my PR guy? I am totally serious about this. I will pay you to promote my stuff, and, then, when you're a bigshot author out on the red carpet, because I'm sure book premiers have red carpets, you will wave to me and hype my stuff more, which, granted, is not a good marketing move for YOUR book, but you've got a red carpet, so what're you complaining about?

    Your larger point about songs: I love listening to songs and trying to think about stories I would write about them, or picturing images from my stuff set to that music. And in one case, an album inspired an actual story of mine, so I have a feeling both you and I listen to music in similar ways.

    And yes, Sally's story is very sad and if the show didn't have that stupid vampire in it, I might watch it.

  24. I'm not a huge Syfy channel fan, but I've heard great things about this show. I hope to watch it OnDemand.

  25. I've seen an episode of the British version but not the American.

  26. Love the breakdown of the characters :o) And the song is one of my old favourites :D

  27. I love that song and now I'm dying to watch the show.

  28. I love this series... but the British version, not the US version... am up to series 3:)

  29. I'm always so intrigued what your posts are going to be about! Verrry fun.

  30. Music makes a big impact in movies and does aid in the enjoyment and memory of a movie. I would say the music of Jaws captured the shark's character- how it sneaks up on you. The Titanic song was perfect I think.

  31. She sounds like an interesting character; though that is a sad history.

  32. I came across Being Human the other night and found myself watching some of it. Maybe now I'll go back for more.

  33. I haven't seen the American version. I'll have to check it out.

  34. Thanks for commenting on my query at Matt's blog! Nice to meet you :)

    I've been wanting to watch that show... I'll have to check it out.

  35. I've only seen the first episode of the US version of Being Human. I loved the British version of it though. Powerful stories.

  36. Looks like a fun show! I love how you talk about it. It makes me want to break my no-TV streak and watch an episode. Or maybe I'll just wait until it's on Netflix. :)

  37. I've never even heard of this show. Judging from everything you just wrote, it sounds awesome! Yet another show to add to my long list... I'll never catch up!

  38. Hmm, I think I just got a huge spoiler from this post. haha. I've been watching the British version but haven't even got through season 1 yet.

  39. Wow. That sounds like amazing writing. I'd love to watch Being Human now.


  40. I really do enjoy Being Human too. I got the same feeling when the played Sally's song. Josh happens to be my fav! The next time you're at my blog, check out the Being Human image I put at the bottom of my blog.
    That is my fav pix! :)

  41. Great song. Good writing is an attractant. I'll have to catch up on Netflix.

  42. I just couldn't make myself watch the American version since I loved the British original which has much better actors. The atmosphere from the UK original is just impossible to reproduce. I think you would actually love the British version much better, Michael!

  43. Netflix keeps recommending it for us - I will give it a try!
