
Thursday, January 12, 2012

Project Fiona is the new SEXY

Mild disclaimer => I own a Razer Lycosa gaming keyboard and a Razer mouse and they do a great job. What you are looking at on the screen of amazing device below is Firefall, a full-fledged online first-person shooter for the PC. Razer (the company that makes some of the coolest gaming gear) says Firefall, and other PC games, will run on its Project Fiona tablet in Windows 8 (time to say adieu to Windows 7).
Yes, I'm a geek, nerd...or whatever you want to call it. THIS does excite me. I know Patrick is probably rolling his eyes. In one sentence...this is not the tablet for you if all you want to do is play Angry Birds.

Here's the skinny:

1) Under $1,000. That's important because it competes with the iPad and is obviously going for the same market.

2) Intel Core i7 CPU--WOW! Quad core baby (all i7 processors are quad core in case you didn't know).

3) SSD memory. This is tech speak for Solid State Drive. You know those flash drives that you use to store your manuscripts on so you don't lose them when your computer chokes? Picture that only larger, roomier, with no moving parts and instantaneous retrieval and upload of information. My gaming p.c. has had solid state drives for two years. They're incredible.

4) Dolby Home Theater Audio on a Windows 8 interface. Damn. Plus you can play most p.c. games for Windows on this tablet using Ivy Bridge.

5) Dual stick controllers and feedback.  If you are shooting a machine gun, you'll feel it vibrate.

Are you excited yet? Watch the video below and you'll see how the keyboard and mouse hook up to it to create a full transformational tablet to p.c. experience.
Have a great Thursday. Tomorrow I'm playing host to author Ciara Knight because I begged her for an  interview. :)


  1. I wish I could play Angry Birds with any sort of acumen! I'm a complete video game retard, the last game I "mastered" was Pacman and that was only to the degree that I usually had to keep myself busy while my grandma finished work and it was the only game in the lobby!

  2. Salivating all over my keyboard. Thanks for that. ;)

  3. I can see what my Honey is going to be putting on his dream list :-)

  4. Is this like one of those concept cars they have at car shows that never actually get built? I'm going to wait for the game they slot directly into your head.


  5. My hubby would love one of these....

  6. This might offend some, but I think I just jizzed my pants. 0_0

  7. My husband's definitely going to want this. I get the cool factor, but I don't have any desire to play video games.

  8. Ugh, I hate Windows 7 so I'm sure Windows 8 will be worse. Office 2007 sucks the big one too. It's like it has pretty much all the same features but they took away the traditional menus in favor of making everything much harder to find.

  9. If I did online gaming, that would be perfect.

  10. Oooo, can talk techie to me anytime. I'm definitely gonna check this out.

  11. My husband is obsessed with Angry Birds or any other game out there. I haven't played in so long and this post does get me excited about gaming again. Thanks.

  12. Wow super cool system! Wish I could afford one with all my extra cash and extra time for playing

  13. Neat system.

    I enjoy games as well. Shhhh. Sports and strategy.

  14. i can't watch the video on my work pc, but damn that thing looks awesome!

  15. Something-something-something science... but I have to admit, that seems cool and I VERY MUCH DESPERATELY WANT a tablet of some sort. I have to constantly practically physically restrain myself from using the twins' iPad as my own.

    But "Angry Birds" is a dumb game. "Plants vs. Zombies" is where it's at.

  16. Pretty much everything you said just went over my head. What is it?

    I can type on my MacBook Pro, and yeah, that's about it. And I've almost figured out how to retrieve a recorded program on my DVR. I've got some catching up to do!

  17. OH my gosh. I know so little when it comes to gaming. Once my kids starting getting more into it, I may come to you for advice! :) This does look pretty cool tho!

  18. I hadn't heard of the Project Fiona tablet. So, this is a Microsoft product? I'll look it up.

  19. Ah, you said it was a Razer product and I forgot by the time I watched the video. It sounds mighty expensive. I can tell you think it's worth it.

  20. I'm embarrassed to admit that I'm a borderline video game virgin. Maybe one of these days I'll smart up and start playing and even buying them. But can't just yet.

  21. Pretty cool I suppose - not entirely sure it's for me, but I bet my kids would love it.

  22. Looks pretty cool, but I like to do my gaming from across the room.

  23. Okay, I feel completely in the dark about most of what you wrote. My husband whose job is IT and tech-related stuff would definitely appreciate it. My gaming is limited to cheesy apps on my iPad.

  24. A new toy? It looks interesting, if you're into that sort of thing. (Last time I knew anything about video games, they were just bringing out the XBox.)

  25. I see a new toy in my future. :) Oh, I had someone tell me the other day that I didn't look like I video gamed or wrote fantasy. Geesh, what is someone like that suppose to look like. LOL

  26. You have no idea how much that makes me want to get back into gaming again. :)

  27. I hope my kids don't get a glimse of this on YouTube. They still have their student loans to worry about. This is a little too steep for them. The year has just begun.

  28. Hey baby steps for me. It's 2012 and I just got an Mp3 player!

  29. *drool*, *drool*, *wipe*

    Great. Something else I didn't know I needed.
