
Monday, January 23, 2012

February is looking pretty exciting

With February just around the corner, I thought I would take a look at what's going on at the beginning of the month.

From February 6th thru the 10th I will be participating in the "I'm Hearing Voices" blogfest. Signup is on this blog here.

Basically, you'll be roleplaying and interviewing your characters. Kinda fun huh?

Next up there is a blogfest being promoted by Alex J. Cavanaugh but is the brainchild of the Cruising Altitude 2.0 blog.

Here's what it's about:

On Monday, February 13th, post your own origin story. Talk about where your writing dreams began. It could be anything from how you started making up stories as a child, or writing for the school newspaper, or even what prompted you to start a blog. How about stories about the first time somebody took an interest in your writing, or maybe the singular moment when you first started calling yourself a writer. It all started somewhere and we want you to tell us your own unique beginnings.

We all need blog posts and these kinds of blog fests are great to get the juices flowing and to meet more people. I of course have signed up for both and hope that you join me :)

Also this week, I may get my cover art! My book will no longer be blank. I'm excited. Have a great Monday.


  1. Thank you for posting the Voices one!! I knew I'd signed up for it but had forgotten what it was and where it was being hosted. ;)

  2. Interviewing your own characters would be so much fun. I can't wait to read some of these. Alex's blogfest sounds terrific too. Great reading coming up.

  3. Hi Michael,

    Hope all is well, and just wanted to let you know I left you an award over at my blog:)

    Stop by to pick it up when you get the chance :)

    Cheers and Aloha!

  4. Thanks for the heads up on all these great blogfests!

    Congrats on your book being on Goodreads.

  5. I singed up for these bad boys long in advance and I'm waiting with bated breath!

    I want to see your cover, it's gonna be MINDBLOWING!

  6. Hi, Mike,

    Thanks for the heads-up. I might participate in the Origins blogfest. Knowing my brain though, I might forget. :)

  7. I'm excited to see the cover art for your book.

  8. Great things on the horizon. Cover art is exciting. Can't wait to see yours.

  9. Uh no, I won't be joining you. Blogfests are so lame.

  10. That's a very exciting moment when you get to see your cover art for the first time. Can't wait until you share it with us.

  11. i'm participating in all those blogfests as well.
    And how exciting about your cover! I'm looking forward to see it as well, when you're able to release it to the world

  12. Love it. Does sound fun! :D

    (And I'm laughing at Grumpy Bulldog up there^^^^)

  13. Congratulations on your book making Good Reads! You must be happy! Interesting blogfests. Will have to check them out. Also looking forward to seeing the new cover art.

  14. Glad you'll finally see your cover art!
    Yes, February is so full right now I think it might explode...

  15. Oh, I'm excited for you and your cover art. And I added the book on GR.

    Looking forward to origins too. Have a great day.

  16. Thanks for the blogfest info, and good luck with your cover art. Scary and exciting at the same time.

  17. I'll be excited to see your cover art! I've signed up for the Origins blogfest.

  18. I've been hemming and hawing over the Origins Blogfest, but you just sold me on it.

  19. Hey, thanks for sharing these--they look like a couple good ones!

  20. Hey, Michael,

    I can't wait to see your cover!

    Thanks for the heads-up on all these cool blogfests. I might just have to enter a few of them.

    Time is sparse, but we all need to keep our minds active and our hands on the keyboard to write...

  21. I'm signed up for the origins one. I used to think like Grumpy there, but have come around some in the past 6 months or so. Looking forward to more of them though.

  22. Ah, dammit. I meant to tell you I'm anxious to see that cover too. Hope it's awesome.

  23. Cover art should be sweet. Can't wait to see it.

  24. Oh! I hadn't heard of the Origin's blogfest. I need to check that one out. Sounds cool. And I'm doing the other. Will make for a fun February - that's for sure!

  25. I'm not sure things are going to slow down any time soon. There are SO many blog hops, and book tours going on. SQUEEE!!! I can't wait to see you cover!

  26. How exciting you'll have a new cover to see! And maybe I'll sign up for the "I'm Hearing Voices" fest, though I hear there's medication I could take for that...

  27. I totally wrote my origins post not too long ago. Reposting that would be cheating, wouldn't it? If not, I can join in on Origins no problem.

    Looking forward to your character posts. :)

  28. Sounds like some good stuff is coming up - can't wait to read your character interviews and the origin story;)

  29. Can't wait to see your cover. Awesome. February is shaping up to be a very busy month.

  30. I've signed up for the Origins Blogfest; I'm looking forward to reading about people's writing origins!

    Exciting news about the cover art!

  31. Cool! I'm doing those ones too.

    Can't wait to see your cover art.

  32. Cover art is so exciting!

    The blogfest sounds like fun, but I think I'll sit this one out.

  33. Be sure to post that cover; can't wait to check it out.

  34. You're such a joiner! :D

    Great news about your cover art. I can't wait to see it!

  35. Exciting news about the cover art. Enjoy the blog fests!

  36. I like the idea of interviewing my characters. Don't know when I started writing, I think I always have!

  37. Cool! Thanks for the info. I'm always reluctant to do blogfests because something always seems to come up. Congrats on the cover!

  38. I can't wait to see the cover art, Michael. This is so exciting.
