
Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Can you help me with a blog tour?

I am planning a blog tour for my book that is coming out this May. Only, I have no idea how much is enough or too little. As it is, I've scheduled eleven days. But when I look at Ciara Knight who is going on tour later this month for the fabulous Curse of Gremdon (I can say this because I read it), she has got a lot of time blocked out (I think the entire month).

So, I'm asking you knowledgeable writers out there...what is the perfect amount of days to use for a blog tour? Do they need to be spaced apart or can they be Monday thru Friday? Are you expected to give out something like an Amazon gift card or a book or is it okay not to give out anything?

I'm also looking for three more people who would like to host me to fill out the schedule I have (unless it ends up not being enough or too much). If you would be willing to help me with a blog tour, please say so in the comments :)

You can check the schedule I have at this link or by clicking the tab above.

Have a great Tuesday.


  1. I went through some third party to arrange mine and it pretty much sucked. For some reason they scheduled me on all these erotica sites. Needless to say it didn't help my sales much. I never gave out any gift cards or anything. I'd say let the blog owners decide on that. And do as many as you can handle. If they give you the questions in advance then you can probably do a bunch of them. I mean you could probably fill out the questions while watching TV so as not to upset your schedule.

    You can do an interview or guest blog post on my blog if you want. Not that it will give you much of a bounce, but every little bit helps, right?

  2. Two weeks and ten to twelve stops. For my first book, I did nineteen stops over two and a half weeks and it was way too much. After taking the Book Blog Tours class, I realized I'd stretched myself and my followers too thin. After too many stops, followers start to grow tired, and there are only so many different ways you can discuss your new book. And don't bother with weekends - stick to weekdays.
    The only other option is to stretch ten days or so over a month and make it more random, which is what Stephen Tremp is doing for his next book.

  3. Alex is offering some great advice. I'd be willing to host you, no problem. Just shoot me an email so we can discuss it.

  4. Michael, anything you need bro. My blog gets only a couple of dozen page hits - when I post. But their yours if you need a host.

  5. I've done six blog tours now, so I feel confident in my answer - ten stops, ten days. Maximum. You'll burn out otherwise. So will those following your tour. And this may sound harsh, but stick to sites with over 200 followers. 500+ is better. A tour takes a lot of effort. Don't waste your time on a blog with very little traffic. Find the big sites where your target audience hangs out.

    And don't bother with a tour service - they are a waste of time AND money.

  6. I'd say stop when you think you're droning through the process. If you have things to say for a months, just go for it. The more links to you, the better.

  7. As a reader, I have to agree that at a certain point I start to tune out when people go on the never ending blog tour. I mean, so many of us all follow the same people, so when I read the third or fourth interview with an author in a week I start to burn out a little.

    I will, however, be more than happy to give your novel a shout out on my blog when it's released. Also, as soon as you have cover art you should display it so we can all steal it and post it in our sidebars with the date of release. :))

  8. Michael - It's all been said. Happy to help in any way possible. Can't see that stopping at my blog would help (not an incredible amount of traffic and covers so many of the same people you already have),but you're welcome to the space if you need or want it.

    Anxious to read the book and would be happy to post a review on Amazon and or Goodreads. I'm painfully honest, but I view reviews like comments. 'If you cared enough to cared enough.

  9. Same as what L.G. said, and I'd also be happy to spread the love/word. You tell me when/what you want to do and we'll make it happen.


  10. yeah i had no idea. Good thing Alex and L Diane Wolfe spoke up because they know what they're talking about.
    I'd certainly host you, if you want. I have over 400 followers, but my traffic isn't as great as it used to be. But all my posts are cross-posetd to FB so there's that too.
    Just let me know. If it's a yes, i'll try to come up with some awesome and crazy questions to change things up a bit

  11. I commented on your schedule page, but here is another idea. If you are worried about going insane from the overload of blogging, you can ask everyone willing to post the SAME "release day celebration" post with an excerpt and a contest for a larger prize. To enter, participant must email you a proof of purchase (receipt) of your book. Because you encourage a lot of purchases on the SAME day or week, maybe it will move your Amazon ranking up quickly.

  12. Agreed that Alex and Diane are the experts. You're more that welcome to use my blog, but I'm not really that popular so I wouldn't exactly be doing you any favors.

  13. Hey Mike. I'm happy to host you anytime over on my blog. However, much like ol' Grumpy, I'm not certain you'll reach the eyeballs of the literature elite. But hey!

    Alternatively, if you fancied doing a guest post the month prior to/ the month following the book's release, that would be great. Anytime. (You've got to look after the people that have been commenting on your blog forever.)

  14. Awesome Michael! I volunteered to host one day. Can I say it that way rather than, "I'm begging you to let me host one day?" Hmmm - either way would work! LOL.

    I like how you have it set up, but I think anything is good. And I always think it would be cool to give away a copy of your book somehow. :)

  15. I'm not sure what the best way to do it is, but I'd love to help in any way you need. My blog is open for any day you might like to use it. ;)

  16. Michael, I went looking for your post and boom; here's your next volunteer. My blog will probably be over 500 followers by then because I do SF/fantasy giveaways, definitely the right crowd. I like what Brinda suggested. Susan Kaye Quinn also mentioned that with a certain number of reviews, Amazon starts suggesting your book. That would make a good contest. I also recommend at least one blog tour post a video showing how to tag and like on Amazon to increase your rankings. I saw one but can't remember who posted it. Last, I sure wouldn't pay for someone else to coordinate your tour, but WoMen's Literary Cafe is an author co-op and I think they do it free. Melissa Foster is great at marketing and cross-promotion. I'm on their review team.

  17. I just read Sher's comment. Here's a link about the Amazon tagging and liking video:

  18. I think different people can handle longer or short blog tours. Whatever you think works best for you. You're welcome on my blog if you want. And it doesn't have to be a part of your tour either - it could be afterward some time to keep your name, and book, out there.

  19. I've never hosted my own blog tour so i don't really know. But one thing I do know is that when I see a book being talked about over and over on several blogs it peaks my interest. So get as many blogs as you can to participate.

  20. I see you have a lot of volunteers already, but I'd be happy to host you or interview you as well. It doesn't have to be during the official blog tour either.

  21. Author Janice Hardy did a blog tour when her book The Shifter came out and then did a series of blog posts about what she found effective and what wasn't. Here's the link if you want to check it out.

    I'm happy to help if you're looking for more stops on te tour. Just say the word. Any date is fine. :D

  22. Wow. There's so much to think about. Thanks everyone for your input.

  23. I have no idea on the blog tour question. Listen to all those people who are really smart with that kind of thing.

    I'm willing to host for you if you need someone! I'm sure you'll get a lot of response from people (you already have, geesh!) but the offer is out there if you want. :)

  24. As a reader of many blog tours, I'd say remember to keep the number of questions to a minimum and your responses short. I lose interest fast if the author goes on and on. I just like a quick plug for the book and a few interesting tidbits about the author.

    Also, I'd be happy to host, but my blog doesn't even have 100 followers yet...

  25. No idea as to how long is the ideal amount of time, but if you need a spot for your blog tour, my blog is your blog. ;-)

  26. I must admit that I'd never heard of a blog tour before now. I'm fascinated to follow how this works for you. I don't think I'm pulling in a literary crowd but let me know if there's any way I can help.

  27. You can come sleep on a virtual couch at "Thinking The Lions" or "The Best Of Everything," if you'd like, although I'm not sure what's all involved in that.

    I can't say that I have any idea how much is too much or too little about blog tours. I've never done one and I'm not actually aware of having read one.

    Isn't your publisher going to send you on an honest-to-goodness book tour where you will go to a bookstore and sign books? Because I would line up to get a signed copy, and if you do that, I will wear a costume of someone from your book to the signing. So if that helps sell your publisher ("Hey, some guy in Wisconsin will dress up like a fatter version of a character from my book if you send me there"), by all means, feel free to name-drop me.

  28. Blog tours can bog a writer down in promo work when they should be writing. I've gone with a blog tour service for £18. Cheap as chips. Sorted.

    If you want to guest post on my blog you're welcome to though :)

  29. I hope you added me to that list! I am still serious about promoting our books together. Between you and I, maybe we can find someone else who has a book coming out in May and hook up. ;)

  30. I'm always willing to host people doing blog tours. In my experience having guests giveaways are totally at the authors discretion. Later this month I am taking part in a tour that has a grand prize that will be drawn from everyone who commented through the entire tour by the author. Good luck with the release!

  31. @Pagel: Only big time authors get that treatment (big time from Big Six). I could be wrong, but I've never seen any non Big Six do that. As for DDP (my publisher) they skate by on bare minimum just like everyone else. If this is news to anyone, then you need to pull your blinders off. Publishers publish a book and then done. It's just like making a frozen pizza. They have no budget to do anything else and don't want to either.

  32. I'm so out of touch with modern publishing techniques. I've never even heard of a blog tour until now. If you still need slots, let us know at Geek Twins. We tend to get over 1000 hits a week.

  33. You are welcome to have a guest post on my blog at any time. Good luck with the blog tour!

  34. Whenever I have an author interview, I go crazy posting about it everywhere. Twitter, Facebook, forums, etc. That's how I roll. :D

  35. I would love to host you. However, I see you already have many volunteers most of whom probably get better traffic than I. I shall promote your book in May, anyway. (Rhymed ^^)

    Good luck on deciding what to do.

  36. Looks like you have no shortage of offers to host your tour. :) And you're doing your research, which is more than half the people do before starting. Good luck.

  37. The last well-known author I knew that did a blog tour did 14 stops over the course of a Month long tour that ran during her debut (Tawna Fenske). She hyped it via twitter (already had a good following though) and I think a couple of stops did some giveaways.

    Also to echo some smart folks, stick with blogs that have high follower AND comment counts. That's what's most important on these blog tours (in addition to target audience, duh).

  38. Good luck with your blog tour! I've seen so many authors do so many different things, so I'm sure you got more than enough advice from these comments. Maybe hitting things around the release date and then spreading out a few spots here and there throughout the month would help.

  39. Looks like you've received a lot of good advice... I have no idea about blog tours, but I'm learning lots here:)

  40. Hi, Michael! :-) While I have under 100 official followers of my blog, it Tweets to nearly 700 followers on Twitter, and posts to over 300 on Facebook. As with others, I'm happy to promote you in other ways, too - just say the word! :-)

  41. It looks like you already have a lot of offers--but you're welcome to post on my blog if you want.

    I've never run a blog tour myself, but as a reader/sideline blogger if it continues over a couple weeks I'm less likely to follow it. As for giveaways, I think that it can help; though some people might comment just for the giveaway and not for the actual book.

    Good luck with your tour!

  42. the days don't have to be connected, you can plan visits throughout the year and summer :) That way you will keep your presence in the blogosphere and around the net, you won't have a week of being everywhere and then nothing else.
    The important thing is also to give a book at each stop. It's a must! There are selfish writers who don't do that, even though their readers and hosts give them free marketing. It's a respect towards those people if you give a copy. At least an electronic copy.

  43. Just popping by to wish you luck. You can stop by my blog if you'd like... I wouldn't recommend it. I don't get much traffic.

    Sounds like you got a lot of good advice. Perhaps there's a future blog post in all of this.

  44. I haven't a clue how to host, run, operate, or incorporate a blog tour. But I would be happy to assist any way I can (I need to learn). :)

    Btw, have you thought of going to LTUE?

  45. Good luck. I love how generous the already-published authors are with the advice.

  46. This is what I will do for you when your book is out:
    1. I will read it. When this happens largely depends upon when I can pick it up and how much is on my stack at the time.

    2. I will review it.

    3. I'll interview you, if you so desire.

    These things will happen (at some point) whether they're part of a blog tour or not.

  47. wish i could be of help... Good luck!


  48. Hi, Mike,

    I said yes to a stop on your blog tour, so schedule me for whenever it's convenient. There are some articles online about how to do a blog tour, you could Google and see what comes up.

  49. I have to agree with Alex and Dez.....

    Ten days is great and Dez' s idea is excellent to spread it over several months.

    I also agree that ebooks should be given away. I have hosed MANY blog tours and I enjoy having the opportunity to read the book I am hosted. That way I am more sincere in my review and I know what I'm talking about, not just a reword of your synopsis.

    Good luck Michael. You have MANY friends in the blogosphere... You'll do great!

  50. I'd be happy to host you (and I enable comments for guest posts), but it looks like plenty of people here have already offered.

    I think you should do what you're comfortable with. I've done long tours and short tours. I think the short ones are easier, less stressful, and just as effective. Personal experience.

    And as far as giving anything away - give away signed copies of your book. That's what I love to try and win.

  51. Thanks everyone for all of your support. My blog tour isn't for a few months so I'm going to go through all of the comments and figure out what I want to do LOL. So much good advice. Also I'll be contacting some of you to take you up on your kindly offer :))

  52. I'm probably too late but if there's any help I can give you Michael, chuck my name in there.

  53. I would be happy to host you on either of my blogs, though I doubt I could get you much exposure from my tiny followings.

  54. I see that you already have tons of offers, but if you ever need help on a blog tour or an interview or whatever, my blog's open. :)

  55. You know it already, but I'm in *grins*


