
Thursday, December 22, 2011

Congratulations to Cindy Borgne for being our 10 Lords A Leaping winner, the Prometheus trailer, and Jedi Ninjas

At the end of November, blogger Sarah Belliston organized the 12 Days of Christmas giveaway. Well the day that I was told to announce my winner is today.

Huzzah Cindy Borgne

You have been chosen by to win $10 to Amazon.

If you don't already know Cindy, she's an award-winning author of science-fiction. You can find her website located here.

UPDATE...Here is the Prometheus trailer I've been waiting all week for (it gives me shivers):

And here's a video of the greatest Star Wars tribute ever. Jedi Ninjas.
I found this video last week and it only had 315 views. It's since gone viral.
I tweeted about it, so you may have already watched it.


  1. Congrats Cindy:) The trailers look really good...thanks for sharing.

  2. Yes, congrats to Cindy. Love the trailers.

  3. Today my Internet connection is in and out, on and off. Won't let me see the trailers. Islands -we like to say.)

    Wanted to tell you 'being honest never a bad person made'. Life is hard and messy. Harder and messier at the joyous times of year. But there is also a lot of Joy. You just have to find it.

    Also, while I love the 'high country'( I spent most of my life freezing my butt off in CO and ID at over a mile high - over 10,000 ft in CO) I love it in the islands.

    You should take a break and come down. Don't do a cruise. pick an island and take a week to enjoy the beaches.

  4. Thanks Mike and congrats on your 50K+ hits on your blog that rocks. :)

  5. So did it go viral because you tweeted about it? Do you have that much power now?

  6. Prometheus does look pretty good, eh? I like Ridley Scott for the SciFi stuff. Congrats to your winner, too!

  7. Cindy again, eh? I really hope she buys a lottery ticket this week.

  8. Congratulations, Cindy!
    So the trailer still isn't up?

  9. Yay for Cindy! That last video is pretty cool. And no one lost a hand...

  10. Two things:
    1. I love your flashing oreos
    2. I wonder how Cindy pronounces her last name

  11. OH MY GOSH! That Jedi Ninjas thing is awesome! The ending caught me completely by surprise. I can't wait to show my kids! (stupid school)

  12. Dude. The guy with the blue lightsaber is HOT. ^_^

    And I really really loved the choreography.

  13. 1. Seriously: The Offutt Bump. It exists. You need to market that. 50,000 hits on your blog in one year is incredible. And now you made a video go viral. You are the Stephen Colbert of bloggers.

    2. That video was more Matrix-y than Ninja-y. I worry that if we let those lines be too blurred, there will be no "pure" Ninjas anymore and the world will have lost something special, like when we almost lost the Snail Darter, Snail Darters being the Ninjas of... what are Snail Darters? I forget. The point is, Ninjas ought not to be watered down by making what is clearly a Matrix/Star Wars mashup and then claiming it's Ninjas. But the ending was pretty good.

    3. Congratulations to Cindy. You earned it, I'm sure, although I don't remember what the contest was.

  14. If you like winning, here's an easy one for you: Heather is having a contest:

    To write a Xmas story in 500 words or less. You can enter until the 31st. Right now I'm winning, which isn't fair because I didn't even follow the rules. Which means pretty much any story you write is going to win. You could write "Christmas" 500 times in a row and beat me, and probably that would win some sort of literary award because we live in a stupid postmodern age. But I'm serious: Go enter! When people hold contests, we should enter, and everyone's got one Christmas story in them. Here, I'll get you started:

    1. An elderly woman finds a mysterious package under her Christmas tree on Christmas Eve. She lives alone, and it's signed "From Santa."

    2. A spaceship lands in Bethlehem on the night of the first Christmas.

    3. Two boxers in the locker room talk about the fight they just had and their plans for Christmas.

    Come on, get writing!

  15. Prometheus has that Alien look to it. Can't wait to see it.

  16. I hadn't heard of Promethus, but wow - that looks dramatic! I'll definitely see that!
