
Monday, October 31, 2011

Official Publishing Date and a Meme

I got an email from Double Dragon Publishing on Friday. It looks like my book SLIPSTREAM will be e-published in May 2012, so basically a year sooner than I expected.  I think that they make it into a Print-on-Demand file at some point...probably a month or two later but DDP's print books seem to be God Awful expensive. I don't really expect to sell any paperback books anyway which fits with the whole e-publisher thing. Now, I'm working on edits/issues with it before the May date. I've got several months so I'll probably just work on it during weekends.

I also got tagged by a meme from Charity Bradford.  So here it is:
  1. If you could go back in time and relive one moment, what would it be?  I would have eggs benedict at the Main Street Deli in Moscow, Idaho for Sunday brunch one more time. Their hollandaise sauce was sooo good. They're out of business now so I'll never get to eat there again :(.
  2. If you could go back in time and change one thing, what would it be?  I would go back and give myself the winning lottery numbers for a huge powerball.
  3. What movie/TV character do you most resemble in personality? I think I resemble Harriet in Harriet's Law as far as personality goes. We are both allergic to bullshit.
  4. If you could push one person off a cliff and get away with it, who would you choose? Fred Phelps from the Westboro Baptist Church.
  5. Name one habit you want to change in yourself. Overeating.
  6. Why do you blog? To stay informed.
  7. Name at least three people to send this to:


  1. That's awesome about getting a date for your book! I can't wait to read it. :D

  2. Looking forward to Slipstream.

  3. That's great news! Congratulations! May is going to be such an awesome month. :)

  4. YAY! I bet that feels good to have hammered down. Oh, and I'm allergic to BS, too. : )

  5. Congratulations!

    Doesn't it suck when a really great restaurant goes out of business? Hate that.

    Oh, and how about I used to play the same numbers all the time for Powerball, and the one day I didn't, they came in. And then I didn't play them the following game because the same numbers never show up twice in the same week, and they did. True story.

  6. That's awesome! You'll have to plan something big for the event.

  7. Huzzah.

    "I've got several months so I'll probably just work on it during weekends."

    Yeah you wouldn't want to cut into your TV time with something productive. Bwahahahahahaha!

  8. Sorry, forgot video game playing time too. Pretty busy schedule...

  9. Congrats on the release date!

    I agree with you on the lottery thing, LOL!

  10. Congratulations on the news!! And a hearty "amen" to #4.

  11. Awesome news! Congrats! I'm getting more curious about SLIPSTREAM day by day :)good luck!

    P.S. Ahh, this publishing stuff doesn't seem to encourage someone write a book. :P

  12. Excellent! This gives me 7 months to read it before the world ends. More than enough time! Congrats again!

  13. That's great news about the release date. :)

  14. Oh, congratulations on the publishing gig! That's wonderful news!

    And it's so funny to find someplace I've BEEN (Main Street Deli in Moscow) on a blog... just a little surreal. I'm not an egg eater, but they had some darned good sandwiches, too.

    And totally agree with your pushing off the cliff choice, too.

  15. Great news about the release date.

    As for the Meme: I feel like I just got assigned a take-home quiz. And on Halloween! When I was going to take Mr F and Mr Bunches around demanding that our neighbors feed them even though the rest of the year, I try to act towards my neighbors as though I didn't see them so that I don't have to make small talk with them, or, God forbid, have them ask me to actually mow my lawn some century.

    But I'll post it tomorrow.

  16. Congratulations! Now you'll be published before the end of the world so they can't blame you. :)

    I knew your answers would make me smile. They should do a study to see how many people in America are allergic to BS. I'm afraid not as many as there should be, but maybe we can spread it around a bit?

    And your habit. ME TOO!

  17. That's brilliant news! And I'm glad I'm not the only one who would relive a moment involving food :-)

  18. It is great news about your book and I am buying it for sure! I don't think anyone nice would miss Phelps.

  19. Congrats on a publishing date. That isn't that far away!

  20. Congratulations on the publishing date! It's cool that their releasing it so much sooner than you expected.

    And as for that overeating thing... Americans have eating issues. We tend to either be overeaters or bolemic/anorexic. I live in a city where people exercise to stay thin and you can see the pain on their faces. They are going to kill themselves in the doing. Somehow we need to find a rational way to deal with food in this country-- maybe start by not subsidizing the glucose industry which makes candy and junk food so cheap.

  21. Woohoo! Always good news to hear they are printing your book early. Congratulations!

  22. Hey, Michael,

    That is such great news! I am really happy for you. I remember when you first stated blogging and only wanted to have your work published.

    Look it at how far you've come in less that six or seven months.

    All the best!

  23. Great news! It must be all those new editors they're hiring ;)

  24. That's exciting! Congratulations. Make sure I'm a stop on the blog tour.

    If only we could go back in time. I'd bet on the Red Sox's first win after all those year. Actually, I'd invest in Apple. In the 1980s.

  25. Huge congrats on the earlier launch date... you've got to be excited with that:)

  26. Congrats on your release date! Looks like we'll both have a book in that month. It's a good month.

  27. Congratulations on the publication update. My husband will ead at least two new books a week on his iPad. Much to my dislike, he won't buy a book. Enjoyed the meme!

  28. That is great to hear about your book! I'll look forward to reading it, and I agree with you on the homicide...he is EVIL incarnate.

  29. Ack! Those are hard questions! Are you trying to make me actually have to think?!?!

    If they're going to do a POD edition, I'm gonna go for that one. Unless it's some weird extreme price.

  30. Most small press are POD. The quality of the paperback books is nicer than trade paperback, but more expensive. I can't wait to buy my copy!

  31. Great news kiddo! Congratulations !
    May is not that far, it is very eixiting. I remember how exited you were, when you first got to sign with DD. Pub. Best Wishes !

  32. Glad the book is coming out earlier than 2013. That seems so far away. Next may is cool. Looking forward to it.

  33. Congrats on your early release. Would you believe that I've never tried eggs benedict?

  34. Yup, the smaller publishers do seem to sell books at higher prices. I guess based on volume, or lack of it, that is to be expected.

  35. LOL; these were a lot of fun to read. A cool meme.

    Hey, congrats on the publication date. I can't wait to read it :)


  36. Congratulations on the fantastic news, you must be over the moon.:)
    Thank you for stopping by my blog and on your comment, I never thought of it like that before, little pan-handlers......I love it.:)
    Hope you had an awesome Halloween.

  37. Great news, I'm looking forward to reading it. :)

  38. Excellent news about the upcoming date!

    Print-on-demand isn't very high for smallish books, but as the word count grows, they can get a bit expensive for paperbacks. It's nice to offer as an option though.
