
Monday, October 3, 2011

A Little Narnia On A Monday

"To the glistening Eastern Sea, I give you Queen Lucy the Valiant.
To the great Western Wood, King Edmund the Just.
To the radiant Southern Sun, Queen Susan the Gentle.
And to the clear Northern Sky, I give you King Peter the Magnificent."

If only real life were full of this much awesome.

This cover is kind of odd. I miss the
old cover.
I learned sometime last week that the Magician's Nephew is the next book greenlit by Hollywood for a full blown special effects laden extravaganza in the Narnia franchise (and this makes me happy). This is hands down my favorite of all the stories; it's also the first--basically explaining how Narnia came to be, the origin of the white witch, and a glimpse of many worlds. It has magic rings, magic pools, an evil witch, different worlds, a lamppost, and two children trying to make sense of it all.  Are you excited? Nod your head yes.

Happy Monday my friends.  I hope the week gives you all a time to reflect on that special point in childhood where we could believe in magic kingdoms.  The English sure have the market cornered on fantasy.  At least we Americans have George R.R. Martin.


  1. I doubt CS LEWIS imagined he would be so popular...

  2. The Magician's Nephew is my favorite, too. I am REALLY looking forward to seeing how they do the ending.

  3. The Silver Chair is a bit depressing at times, but it's too bad they aren't sticking to the original order. If they can find a really great director, they might make it to the end.

  4. I loved the first book when I was a kid, but didn't like the second one, so I quit the series. When my son was small, I read the first one to him. He requested to second. Neither of us got into it, so we abandoned the series. I haven't seen the movie.

    I know so many people love these books.

  5. Haven't read any of C.S. Lewis' books, but I did buy my son the one with the Witch & the Wardrobe, I think. Yes, I'm not up to speed in the Fantasy market. :D The one thing that fascinates me with Sci-Fi and Fantasy movies is how expensive they must be to produce. They're spectacular to watch, when I do get around to it. I love the low grade variety like The Mummy.

  6. I've not read the books, but enjoy the movies for sure! :) I like this cover. Especially the three connected rings. Very significant. :)

  7. I haven't read the books and I don't plan to do, though. Actually, I'm fond of the movies :D

  8. I'm surprised by that since the Dawn Treader one I thought was a flop. Maybe it was one of those that made more money worldwide than in the
    States. They've already switched studios so you have to figure if this doesn't do big business they won't bother with the rest of the series.

  9. I'm also looking forward to this one. Disappointed that they're not sticking to the original order, but looking forward to it for sure. :D I have read and re-read this series, to myself and also to my daughter. The new movies are so much better than the BBC shows I got as a kid. I have these books as audio books and love to listen to them on car trips too. I'm a sucker for Narnia and Aslan.

  10. I watched The Voyage of the Dawn Treader the other night; it was good. Now that I've seen this, I want to go back and read the books again then watch the films again. Like I don't have anything better to do with my time, right?

  11. Reading comments... which order? I guess they're referring to the order the books are numbered in- but when I reread the books (after the first time) I always read this one first (I reread them something like seven times... at least). It made more sense to read how it all came to be rather than backtracking. I did love this one though although it wasn't my fave. My heart will always belong to 'The Lion the Witch and The Wardrobe'. And I liked the BBC version of the books- I don't know if even the movies can do it better.

  12. i know i'm in the minority, but I always loved The Silver Chair. I love them all (except The Last Battle, can't stomach that one at all) and want them realized in high hollywood production values. But it's the law of diminishing returns, isn't it? The stories get more complicated and maybe less 'commercial' so I doubt they'll make it to the end. Still, it's a good gateway to reading the books (and shame on y'all who haven't read them!). My daughter loved the first movie, wanted to be Lucy for halloween and is about to start reading LWW. That makes me seriously happy.

  13. I'm also glad this will be the next one. Count me as one of your nodders.

    I also caught the game trailer you posted. I don't yet have a game console, but that's the first game trailer I've ever watched that makes me want to buy a system and the game. Very effective trailer!

    Hopefully with a fresh cast, this movie will give the films the good jump start that it needs right now.

  14. I've never been a huge fan of the Narnia books. Still, I'm glad so many others can get excited.

  15. I nodded. Anything with multiple worlds, yes please.

  16. Now that one I will go see! Excited :)

  17. C.S. Lewis is my homeboy! He is one of a very few number of authors I like any genres they write in.

    Tolkien sort of fell in my regard after I started reading his translations and piecing together everything he pulled from to write LOTR.

  18. They sure seem to be taking their time with these. I've read all but the last, but other than the first, only once... Do the characters age enough that they can accomodate the aging actors at this age. i really like the Lucy actress (then she's a pretty great character)

  19. Nodding my head yes! I hope they will eventually do them all. Love C. S. Lewis! Thanks for treating my mind to a glimpse of happiness! ; )

  20. This news makes me very very happy, assuming they don't muck about with it too much.

  21. It's been nice to see these tales come to life.

  22. The book sounds wonderful. When I was young I lived in a fairy tale world in my mind. It is a happy place.

  23. I was so disappointed when my eldest stop letting me read the Narnia series to him. I'm hoping boy II will make it all the way through. :)

  24. This is funny because I just watched this movie today!

    Also, I'm excited for the Magician's Nephew. I love all of C.S. Lewis' books

  25. I've never read C.S. Lewis... BAD MICHAEL! Now I know I must, so I will give you that nod! I Did love the first movie.


    Thank you for your comment about my FF for the second Campaign challenge. It made my day!

  26. I loved these books growing up but I have been a bit disapointed in the new movies. I actually prefer the old british version og The Lion,the Witch and the Wardrobe.
