
Friday, October 7, 2011


For my weekend post I wanted to put up the official press release for the extremely talented writer, Theresa Milstein.  She has a short story in this beautiful book, and I am so proud of her accomplishment. Additionally, I'm honored to be on Theresa's blog tour and will be hosting her on October 12th, 2011. Have a great weekend. :)

Edited by Berni Stevens
Fangtales is the third anthology in the popular ‘tales’ collections published for the YA market by Wyvern Publications. It joins Dragontales, published in 2009, and Mertales, published in 2010.

Fangtales visits the terrifying realms of the most popular creature ever to grace the pages of fantasy fiction. The vampire. The tales are fresh, original and scary enough to send delicious shivers down the spine of every reader. Each tale brings something new to the genre, and will be a welcome addition to any fantasy fan’s bookshelf. Vampires will always be a hugely popular theme – there’s a very good reason why Bram Stoker’s Dracula has never been out of print since  it was first published in 1897.
Lose yourself in the blood-soaked pages of Fangtales, where a best friend mysteriously disappears; wonder why a small child roams the woods alone at midnight, and how a terrified girl can get help when her house is surrounded by hungry vampires.

Fangtales • ISBN 978-0-9560363-6-0 • Published by Wyvern Publications • October 2011 
Wyvern Publications began in 2009 as a small press dedicated to bringing quality teen fiction into the mainstream. Its first publication, The Faerie Conspiracies by Holly Stacey, received rave reviews on Amazon.
The Fangtales editor, Berni Stevens has worked in publishing for over twenty years as a cover designer. She has several published short stories to her credit.Her debut vampire novel, Fledgling, was published on 23rd September 2011, by The Wild Rose Press.


  1. Best of luck to Theresa. I look forward to reading your interview with the vampire writer.

    Bad Pun. Sorry.

  2. Yay for Theresa! I'll definitely be back to read her interview. Sounds like my kind of anthology.

  3. Fangtails! Love that name and well done to Theresa.

  4. I'm tempted to say "Oh, ugh, more vampires." But if it gets the Michael Offutt seal of approval, I'll give it a chance.

  5. Congrats to Theresa and I'm wishing all good things for this anthology. Tales of terror are not my thing. Too much of a scaredy cat.

    Have a great weekend, Michael.

  6. Congrats, Theresa! Best of luck with the anthology.

  7. Congratulations to Theresa! :) Looking forward to reading the blog post here for the tour.

  8. The cover is great! I look forward to seeing her on your blog in October.

  9. My daughters love vampire and fantasy books of all kinds. This anthology sounds very good; I'll tell them about it.

  10. Hello fellow insecure writer :-)
    I'm so excited for the release of Fangtales!

  11. I'm thinking big thoughts for theresa Milstein, one of our own. Go Theresa, go!!!

  12. Michael, thanks for getting the word out about Fangtales. I appreciate it.

    Thank you for the comments, everyone!

  13. Oh wow congrats Theresa. Sounds like a great read.

  14. Hello there, how are you?? I hope you are well.
    I'm just taking time to drop in from Alex's blog hop. Great to "meet" you! *Waving* I'm a new follower.
    Hugs Eve.
    good luck x

  15. Hello there, how are you?? I hope you are well.
    I'm just taking time to drop in from Alex's blog hop. Great to "meet" you! *Waving* I'm a new follower.
    Hugs Eve.
    good luck x

  16. Yay for Theresa! It sounds like a fun anthology.

  17. Congrats Theresa!

    How exciting!

    I'll be back on the 12th for the tour Michael...

  18. So excited for Theresa - she's awesome!!! :)

  19. So cute - these anthologies look like a lot of fun!

  20. Yay for Theresa. :)
