
Thursday, October 13, 2011

The coolest staircase in the world

Look at what a group of clever engineers did to get people to change their behavior and choose to take the stairs instead of automatically heading for the escalator.
It's a great lesson in approaching a problem (such as obesity and lack of physical activity) from a new direction.

Tomorrow, I'm doing the Pay It Forward blogfest that's being run by Matthew MacNish and Alex J. Cavanaugh. You still have time to join and it should be fun!

Also in the blogging sphere, I'd like to let people know that Rogue Mutt (a.k.a. Patrick Dilloway) has moved his blog address. It is now located here. If you don't read his blog, I think of course that you should because the discourse about all things writing can be refreshingly bold. Sometimes the comments are even more fun than the blog post. Have a wonderful "Thor's Day" my friends :).


  1. Clever concept with the stairs although I worry someone trying to play an actual tune might seriously injure themselves (although since they're videoing it at least we'll have the footage for youtube).

    Moody Writing

  2. I particularly loved the man who, as the woman and the little girl went ahead of him, sneakily played a few notes :-)

  3. Wow! That is so cool. I usually take the stairs anyway for the exercise, but I love seeing the behavior changes involved here.

  4. We have piano stairs at the Museum of Science in Boston. So much fun!

  5. This is such an ingenious idea! Thanks for sharing the video. Julie

  6. I saw that before. It's so cool!

  7. What a great clip, I enjoyed watching ... Music always engages, in so many ways :)

  8. That is the coolest staircase in the world. I actually teared up. *sniff* Why don't I live somewhere as cool as that?

  9. I'd like to take the stairs more because we're on the first floor and it'd be quicker, but the stupid designers of this building didn't put any stairways down to the parking garage near our office. It's lame.

    And thanks for the shout out!

  10. I'd seen that before - looks like fun!
    Thanks for plugging the blogfest. It's going to be huge.

  11. They have stairs like that at the Boston Museum of Science. Very fun.

  12. At first I thought they were going to make it so the stairs lit up in different colors when stepped on. However, I like the piano too.

  13. Cool idea. Definitely taking part in the blogfest.

  14. The dogs that used those improved stairs are amazing. Mine have issues with normal stairs, I think those would scar them for life. However now I want to go play on those stairs. Road trip?

  15. That staircase is super cool! And thanks for directing me to Patrick Dilloway's blog. I've never been, so I'm going to check it out.

  16. I LOVE it!!! Anything to get people moving and put a smile on their face. :)

  17. Now they need to have some people play some Mozart on that thing! Awesome. And this is another reason why I'm such a big fan of Sweden.

    I launched a giveaway today! :)

  18. I think there should be piano stairs everywhere. I would play on them all the time! :D

  19. Those stairs are da bomb. I would totally take the stairs for that!

  20. Thank you for the link to the
    My husband worked at Volkswagen in marketing for 20 years and he will enjoy that clip. I wish every mall would implement that stairway.

  21. What a clever idea. Of course we should be looking for the fun in everything.

    I take the stairs every day. I live in a three-story townhouse.

  22. Okay, that is awesome! I would totally go on the stairs and play a song. We have a tunnel for our lightrail here with some sort of light activated notes but it's hard to get it to work and it's not fun. This is fun!

  23. I wish all stairs were like that. I can kind of make music by walking down my hallway, all those boards creaking are a bit discordant, but still...

  24. There's a set of stairs like that in a museum in the area; the notes are so much fun to walk over!

  25. Lizzie and I would have so much fun. :D I go up and down stairs multiple times a day to get to my classes.

  26. I like the fun theory! As you saw at my blog, I'm just returning from Disney World, and that's what they're masters of---they make everything fun, even the waits in line or the random supposed-to-be-inanimate objects as you walk through the parks. You really must get there some day.

    Hope you're having fun on PiF. :)

  27. Isn't that great? I so want one of those, like, in my house!
