
Thursday, September 1, 2011

Tucker and Dale vs. Evil

I saw this trailer on the iTunes website yesterday. It's brilliant.  Oh and it's for "Mature" audiences.
1) It totally pokes fun at the kids camping meeting the psycho hillbillies.

2) It shows how bad things can get when people don't communicate.

3) It shows that you shouldn't judge a person by appearance alone.

4) The writing in this is fresh, exciting, and made of pure awesome.

Have a great weekend! See you Monday.


  1. I totally slid past this on Alex' September release post, but I watched the trailer, and I've got to say I can't remember the last time I laughed so much at a trailer whilst saying eugh at the same time :-)

  2. Okay, I could have done without that last scene, but otherwise very funny.

  3. OMG, this looks grotesquely hilarious!! I always root for the psycho hillbillies, and now I know they're just misunderstood.

  4. LMAO. lol. That was the best thing I've seen in a minute. I have to see that. I have no choice.

  5. Oh God. It that movie is half as funny as the trailer it will be the best thing I've seen all year.


  6. This looks brilliant! Can't wait to see it!

  7. That sounds brilliant. Thanks for sharing.

  8. Can't view the trailer at the moment... slow connection. But from what I can tell from your description and the comments, Tucker and Dale is my kind of fun. Thanks for the heads up.

  9. I didn't know whether to laugh or shut my eyes in horror. On no!!!!! sick and wonderful....LOL

  10. I've been stoked for this movie for months! Look hilarious. And it comes out on HD Net Movies September 28, so I'll actually get to see it. (Limited release - who came up with that concept anyway?)

  11. Saw the trailer and LOL'd hard! Can't wait to see it.

  12. OMG, that looks SO awesome! I'm not sure if the wife will be interested or not, but I'll find someone to watch it with me!

  13. I just updated my Nook formatting. I'm not sure how long that takes to take effect or if you can update your version, but I think I fixed the issue. If you are able to update your version, let me know if it worked.

  14. I'm having serious internet issues this week - can't run the video - but I have to say that I come from hillbillies - we are not normally psycho, but just a little off.

  15. thx mike, looks like a good time-waster :)

  16. LOL!!! I've got to see this! Too funny.

  17. LOL... DISGUSTING! Nothing like blood and guts to get ya laughing. hee hee :D

  18. That was so stupid, LOL. Definitely NOT a movie I'll be watching by choice. My kids love stuff like this though.

    Thanks for the laughs Mike.


  19. I guess I am too old for soething like this.

  20. Ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,ha...seriously, this is hilarious. I have a sick sense of humor, I guess.

  21. That is hilarious... loved it... hehe I'm still giggling.

  22. Though it doesn't exactly look like a movie I'd ever want to go see, I do find the premise utterly hilarious.

    Thanks for the laugh.

    <3 Gina Blechman
