Monday, July 11, 2011

Oh Happy Happy Release Day!

I'm buying this at midnight on my iPad. My love affair with George R.R. Martin's world knows no bounds. George, if you ever happen to read these're a real bitch for making people wait 7 years for this book. But, I get the impression that you could give a shit anyway.

Stay tuned for a review maybe later this week depending on how long it takes me to devour it.

Finally, I get to know who the hell Coldhands is and if he really is the flying saucer deus ex machina that I think he is. George has had seven years to make shit up about him. I think I could probably come up with a plausible explanation of his powers by then given the reach of fantasy which is essentially...well...infinite.

And maybe there will be some epic white walker stuff.


  1. I need to refresh myself on the story! I read Feast of Crows when it came out, and haven't had time to go back and reread the series. Still, exciting that the 5th book is finally here!

  2. I'm jealous. I'm waiting till August for my second Audible credit so I can buy book three. But I guess a few weeks is nothing compared to 7 yrs, right?

  3. Shit. I shouldn't have read this. I'm still on A Storm of Swords, and you've just exposed me to things I wasn't ready for.

    Oh well. My fault.

  4. WOAH!!!!! Can't believe it's here! Admittedly I still haven't read the last one... I know - the shame, the shame.

  5. I'm glad you finished my book this weekend. I figured if you didn't it'd have to go on hold while you read Mr. Martin's latest opus.

  6. Liz P: You can find good summaries of the books online to give yourself a quick refresher unless you're one of those people that likes reading hundreds of pages of people eating blood oranges and sitting around doing nothing. I can do it once with a smile on my face. After that, it's Wikipedia baby!

    Cheryl: Yes...way better than 7 years.

    Matt: You have 12-hours to get caught up. Go go go speed reader.

    Trisha: You should flog yourself like the priest does at the opening of the DaVinci Code when he says "Castigo Corpus Meum".

    Mutt: I made a push to get "Where You Belong" polished off in time to clear the table for Martin's opus.

  7. I hope it actually fits in with the story in a satisfying way--that Deus ex Machina shit is for the birds. (I really do hope you love it)

  8. Hehehehe and to think that I still have to start... Sigh.

    Enjoy the read!


  9. I'll get a lot of flack for not knowing what this is. Apparently, I better verse myself, pronto. Enjoy your long awaited release. I await your review.

  10. I don't think I've ever been as excited about anything as you are about this book.

  11. Wondering how often George R.R. Martin has been called a real bitch.

  12. I pity the person that tries to get between you and that ipad later today. Ravenous wolves with machete-chainsaw-knives for claws come to mind imagining that scenario.

  13. Isn't it great getting your hands on something you're dying to read? I hope you enjoy it!

  14. I've never read these. This is the second blog I've seen this book on today. I guess I'm going to have to check it out. :)

  15. I got stuck halfway through the 4th book and am going to need to have some serious reading sessions to finish. I wish Martin's editor would make him cut material because while the story overall is good he takes the long path every time and most times I'm not sure the journey is worth it. My biggest complaint is splitting books 4 and 5 into South and North as I really don't care much about what is going on in the South so I need to slog through another 500 pages to get to a book I want to read.

  16. Thought you'd enjoy this:


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