
Thursday, May 5, 2011

Google Shouts It Gets Better Loud And Clear - Thank You

The It Gets Better Project is an incredible inspiration and I hope that the message keeps spreading because it needs to. The It Gets Better Project supports The Trevor Project, GLSEN, and the ACLU LGBT Project. Google is now behind it and one of the many reasons that I believe that there is absolute genius behind this company. Their products are amazing whether you want to talk about the Google phone (Android) and witness its outstanding GPS powered by Google Earth, its search engine, YouTube, or even Blogger, they spare no expense in the pursuit of excellence.
The above advertisement was paid for by Google and was run during this week's episode of Glee during the first commercial break. I watch Glee irregularly as I just prefer different "kinds" of shows. But I do occasionally watch it. But that's not what I wanted to say here.

Google is using its dollars to speak about an important cause. There continues to be so much negative and hateful speech out there for LGBT people and this was a huge counter to that. They are an enormous company sticking their neck out to purchase ad time on one of TV's top shows and saying to the world that they support gay people and that it does get better. Gay youth are a huge part of the homeless problem everywhere and I see it in Utah. Kids that are born gay are kicked out of their homes and forced to live on the streets because their parents see it as a lifestyle choice.

Thank you Google and to all of the people that signed on with this message in this advertisement from celebrities like Lady Gaga, Adam Lambert, Kathy Griffin, and Anne Hathaway to people I've never seen.

One message,
"There is art to be made, there are songs to be sung, and your life is going to be amazing. However bad it is now, it gets better, and it can be great. It's worth sticking around for and you are perfect and wonderful exactly the way you are. We love you without even knowing you."
Writers please be responsible with your words. You are more powerful than you can possibly imagine and what you put down will be read by people that you can never know. You have so many stories to tell, so much talent, and I just want to ask you to please be aware of this.

Your work shall outlive you and become your legacy. What you pen today can change the world.


  1. That is so awesome of Google! YAY!!! I'm glad that such a powerful company is willing to speak out about such an important cause!

  2. What a great message, and so good that Google is getting behind it.

  3. I don't think anything I write will ever change the world. First someone would have to read it...

  4. Rogue- I read your book.

    This is great news about Google,

  5. I saw the ad during Glee and loved it so much immediately that I didn't fast forward over it.

  6. It is people like you and companies like GOOGLE that will change the world. Please all of you share this with your friends and family. 1 person can make a difference. "Stop the Hate" So proud of MIKE.

  7. Google loves bringing causes out like this little dark horse. Huzzah for having humans still in touch with the world running it.

    I'm so excited thinking about how many more people will have hope, or spread it, after seeing that commercial.

  8. I love every part of this post. You informing us about what Google is behind and then inspiring us to tell our stories. This is exactly what we all need before we get to work!!

  9. We always have to be responsible with our words. The thing about words, you can't get them back. They stay out there forever hurting.

    What about the young girl who was bullied by her former boyfriend and some others. She committed suicide. Words hurt peeps. Let's love everybody. K? :-)

  10. Thanks for stopping by everyone :) I'm so happy some of you are sharing this on your facebook.

  11. Thanks for congratulating me.
    I am crazy busy right now, I have not written much as I have the task of helping my husband with his low salt diet, while his taste buds are too stubborn to change.
    I remember watching and listening to all the videos people made.
    Actually I started blogging because I wanted to start a project called Project SEPT --- Self Esteem Protection team, so kids learn from KG not to bully or be bullied.
    My kid's friends had posted my blog entry on Facebook and twitter as well.

  12. I saw this - great message. I have never been more conscious of what I say and do than after I became a writer. Whoever dreamed up that whole "sticks and stones" business was misinformed.

  13. This is a great message. Go Google! :) And thanks for sharing it.

  14. Awesome message. Thanks for sharing it Michael.


  15. I knew about "It Gets Better," but didn't know about Google's involvement. This should really help get the message out. Good times! Thanks for posting this.

  16. Glad Google's joining in and passing it along. :D I especially like it when choirs would gather to sing about it all. Here's Amasong's contribution to "It Gets Better." They're the choral group I sang with while living in IL. :D

  17. "Your work shall outlive you and become your legacy. What you pen today can change the world."

    Well said!

  18. Compassion is the key. Since we all can't be alike or think alike it would be nice if we could love without conditions and be ok with the differences. In a perfect world.
