
Tuesday, May 17, 2011

America, I'm So Disappoint

~Land of the freeeee and the home of the brave!


  1. That says it all, doesn't it? Sigh.

  2. Yeah but we're way more awesome than those SOCIALISTS(!!!!!) in Sweden! What do they have besides IKEA, hockey players, and the Nobel Prizes? Bunch of losers they are.

  3. Yikes. Its sad because the military spending isn't reflected in the actual pay of the brave soldiers who risk their lives (voluntarily).

  4. @ Rogue... they also have lingonberries. Mmmm!

  5. Interesting statistics! Social spending isn't a priority, and it's hard to imagine that changing. It makes me wonder what life in the US would be like if a big chunk of military spending was shifted to social spending. Maybe some of those vets begging on the streets could have some food?

  6. Our education system and the state of the majority of American people reflects the asinine priorities of our government. Change is slow, but we need to fight for what's important. Perseverance=Difference.

  7. Interesting statistics. Just curious, what is the source of those charts? If I missed it, sorry. I would like to see more about it.

    It is sad to see our wonderful country sliding down a slippery slope out of control, but we are not alone in the slide.

  8. Lucinda, the charts are three of ten (I think) posted by author David Morris. Here is a link to the original article

  9. None of that is really too surprising - We've never spent much on social programs since most people in the United States don't know the difference between socialism and communism and we ain't no commies! The prisoner numbers are a remnant of our misguided war on drugs.

    One area I feel is needed is military spending (though perhaps a few less Naval battlegroups). After reading Fareed Zakaria's "Post American World ( I have valued our investment there a lot more than I did previous. I'm paraphrasing (and it has been a few years) but his thought is since the decline of the Soviet Union the rest of the world has trusted us to police the world because they know we won't abuse it. The world gets the advantage of being able to invest their money in other areas. We get the advantage(?) of imposing our views on others more than we would otherwise. The scary thing is when the world feels we overstep our bounds and their military spending will close the gap and the chances of global war will increase exponentially. Kind of a downer when you think about some of our recent actions. I recommend the book highly.

  10. Very interesting... I feel better about living in England now :)

  11. BTW, just to set you and your boss straight about my number of blogs, the story blogs are pretty much one-and-done. Once the story is done and loaded they’re pretty much static. The only other semi-active ones are the Book and Movie review ones.

    So there.

  12. I've always been impressed by the amount of money we tend to spend on Military here in the U.S. I have little love for politics, and most of these type of conversations tend to get political pretty quickly, but I believe Ron Paul once said that if we'd just shut down the military bases we maintain overseas in friendly nations we could balance our budget pretty quick.

    I don't know how I feel about that, but if they actually want us there, then I say we should charge for the services we provide.

  13. Wow. . .those graphs say it all, don't they?

  14. I think today's kindergarteners will have to start thinking from now on about how to fix things. Then by the time they grow up and fix the statistics.

  15. This is pretty depressing but not at all suprising.

  16. We are so worried about socialism. Really what these charts show is that socialism might not be all that bad for us, not that I am a socialist. But certainly I think most of the mainstream news that portrays social programs as being socialistic is really a way for the ,military industrial complex and the now for profit prison system to get the most federal funding.

    this is really a sad reflexion of our own stupidity.
