
Friday, April 1, 2011


I found all these really cool pictures of spiderweb encased trees in Pakistan. I guess that there's been so much flooding there that the spiders which normally live on the ground have escaped to the trees to survive so nearly all vegetation is crawling with them. I think I'd be really creeped out if I saw trees that looked like this in my neighborhood.

Additionally, I came across this article that talked about spider silk and how it's actually stronger than kevlar and way more flexible. It took the silk harvested from a million golden orb spiders in order to make this tapestry but it looks beautiful.

A close-up of the detail on the tapestry.

One of the workers making the silk

These are the orb spiders that produce the cloth.
Finally, this is a picture of a new kind of orb spider discovered in Madagascar. It has a diameter of five to six-inches. I would hate to be walking in the dark and accidentally step into this web.
I can see why spiders are so popular as monsters. J.R. Tolkien used them for Ungoliante and his broodlings. Stephen King used one for his monster in IT. Do you use spiders in your writing?


  1. OMG - I think I'd leave town if that was in my area.

  2. I don't use spiders, but that's probably because it would creep me out so much I couldn't read my own story. They just give you that creepy crawly feeling.

  3. Oh my gosh! I LOVE spiders and I love this post. Those trees are amazing, but I agree that it might creep me out just a little to see one in my neighborhood. :)

  4. I'm not afraid of normal little spiders but those big ones are creepy.

  5. I'm with D U on this one. Spiders are my arch nemesis. Theoretically I can see how cool this is, but physically it makes my skin crawl.

    Great post though!

  6. This post totally freaks me out. It's like something out of a nightmare. Spiders need to DIE!!! I don't care if they do cool things, they are still creepy.

  7. love the Pakistan trees.; is it photoshopped for April 1?

  8. Ahhh!!! I'm itching just thinking about it. Spiders... eeeewwww!

  9. Those trees are wild. Don't tell me it was a fool. I love them. No spiders in my work, I don't know why. They're so alien.

  10. Now I need a shower. Thanks. A lot.



  11. A caveat at the top that you were going to show the spiders would have been nice. Now I've got the shudders and just icky feeling like one of them will be crawling on me.

    Shelob made all my spider phobias worse.

  12. Too creeped out for further comment. Of course muse is torturing me right now with story ideas. Blast. Umm ... Thanks for the inspiration though.

  13. Thanks everyone for commenting. To all those that wondered if this was an April Fools thing or if the pictures were photoshopped, the answer is no. You can google the Pakistan spider story for verification. Those really are how the trees look right now in that flooded country.

    One unforeseen benefit...with all of the flooding, the government expected there would be a huge population of malaria carrying mosquitos. Well, that hasn't happened. They've actually seen a drop in them. It would appear that all those spiders are feasting on mosquitos quite nicely.

  14. I wish that it was an April fool's joke. I have goose bumps.
    I never heard of spider silk - - -and I am from India where Alexander the Great went to conquer because of Raw Silk and Sandalwood trees !

  15. Spiders are cool, and this post rocks.

  16. In Missouri, they have webs like these in the trees, though not to that extent.

  17. The trees with the spider webs are out of control; that would definitely freak me out :P

  18. WOW, those trees are amazing - in a creepy sort of way, sure, but I find them fascinating!

  19. Those pictures are so freaky. Spiders creep me out Big Time! And yes, there is a small spider scene in my wip. :)

  20. Oh my, that is so neat! I've never owned anything made of spider silk.

  21. You know, for some reason spiders have never bugged me. I am not a very brave person, there are certain bugs that really creep me out -- especially the ones that look like sticks. *shudders* But spiders? Not so much. Cool pictures! Man that rug is beautiful. Can you believe people can make that? From spiders? Wow. Thanks for sharing.

  22. The pictures are amazing! Crazy, in a very cool way!


  23. Jeepers!! If I had a phobia of spiders... actually, looking at those pictures is freaking me out enough to think I DO have a phobia of spiders. Ok, I'm leaving now!

  24. Those trees are AWESOME!!! Cool post :)

    I don't have spiders in my current MS, though am feeling more than a little inspired for my next one ;)



  25. I LOVE this! Thanks for posting, Michael. How amazingly beautiful!
