
Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Party On A New York Subway

I guess on February 16th of this year sometime in the wee hours of the morning, three singers known only as Xelle got on this moving train in New York and did a single take of their song "Party Girl".  The result, in my humble opinion, was incredible. It makes me want to move to New York City knowing that this stuff happens at random and despite the fact that bedbugs are everywhere and the cost of living is incredibly high.

Also from the comments on the YouTube video, keep in mind that I guess it is very difficult to stand in a moving subway car let alone do what these singers managed to pull off.


  1. Is there still a bedbug problem in NY? Still?

  2. I'm sure you could find somewhere in one of the boroughs that's affordable and with no bedbugs or giant roaches/rats or crocodiles in the toilet.

  3. lol. I'm not sure I would call it random. Drag queens you'll probably bump into most nights, but passengers who know how to do intricate dance moves in synch with each other require a little training.

  4. NY may never get rid of them. Ever since they stopped putting DDT in pesticides they are on the rise in huge numbers and are highly invasive. Good thing they don't carry diseases. Bedbugs...not drag queens.

  5. I think it would be cool to witness something like this NYC. I've always wanted to go as see that city even though bedbugs, roaches and other icky bugs fill the city.

  6. While I highly doubt this was filmed as they said it was (single take, shortly after midnight) this is still a very cool video and makes me homesick.

  7. Well. Trying to watch the video froze my computer..3times. But that was pretty interesting.
    So all of the other guys off to the side were in on the video?

  8. Okay, so I'm not the only one who thought they were drag queens? Good. I was feeling guilty about it.

  9. New York is one of very few places where something like this can take place inside a moving subway.
    Thanks for the link you left for me. I can send it to my son.

  10. Ha Ha. I wrote a story featuring bed bugs once and everyone just decided it was in a Third World Country. NYC? According to some travel reviews I've read tourists have complained about them in San Francisco too.


    L'Aussies Travel Blog A - Z Challenge - D is for Darfur

  11. Some of the "passengers" are better dancers than the three "singers." That's quite a coincidence.

  12. I wonder how they managed to practice all that.. hmm.. And I've heard of bed bugs in places other than NY lately. I hope someone figures out a good way to get rid of them because I don't want to find them in my bed.

  13. Cool video!

    Cost of living is high here too, but not nearly as exciting. On the upside, bedbugs aren't as rampant. And no roaches. Global warming may change that though.
