Wednesday, November 9, 2011

When you feel stressed...

A little song goes a long way.

Happy Thursday :)


  1. Which of us is putting less effort into blogging today?

    But what's funny is I wrote a scene on Monday where my character is literally talking to herself and winds up doing a (whatever three people singing is) of Hakuna Matata, which incidentally I had to look up so I could spell it right. Too bad you hadn't posted this on Monday then.

  2. And check it out, my avatar is a doctor now. Dr. Grumpy Bulldog.

  3. Here here for a no stress Thursday.

  4. Thanks for the smile. I needed that this morning as I try to gear up for another day of NaNo psychosis. And I haven't stopped thinking about your interesting blog on Cavanaugh's book. Hmmm...

  5. @mutt: I'll have you know...posting a .gif is not effortless.

    @Brinda: I agree

    @Julie: I can be controversial. Part of that is simply because I'm vocal with my opinion.

  6. That movie will soon hit its twentieth anniversary. Revolutionary animation for its time.

  7. We saw it in the theater when they re-released it. Still a classic.

  8. One of my absolute favorites. I wished we would have been able to see it in the theater.


  9. Loved the movie, love the song. It would be lovely to have no worries for the rest of your days. :)

  10. At least I made my JPGs from scratch. So there.

  11. With so many writers crazed with NaNo fever, you were inspired to post this today! Thanks for the pick-me-up!

  12. Love it! :-) Hakuna Matata, indeed. :-)

  13. Having come here from Rogue's blog, it seems to me that the primary blogging effort between the two of you went into commenting on who put more effort into blogging.

    I never actually cared much for "The Lion King." I think it was the beginning of the end for Disney animation. With the exception of "Hercules," I don't think they ever did a really good film after "The Little Mermaid," and I think that's because of "The Lion King," which hit all the excesses of post-"Mermaid" Disney and convinced Disney execs that those excesses were what sold, and so they should go after them.

  14. Thanks Michael. Made me laugh! I love that song and it was very
    appropriate for me today!

  15. oh man, i'm going to have that song in my head all day now. I'm going to have to listen to the broadway soundtrack and belt out some tunes

  16. I love that song, and so needed it today. Thanks! Happy Thursday. :)

  17. I saw an interview of Nathan Lane, and he said that when he was backstage at the Kennedy Honors a nearby choir of kids realized he was the voice of the meerkat in the Lion King. They went wild and treated him like Elvis. Love it.

  18. Thank you, Michael! Happy Thursday to you...:)

  19. A wonderful movie and uplifting song make for a sunny day before darkness descends at 4:30! Julie

  20. There are worse songs to have stuck in your head. Happy Thursday. :)

  21. This definitely made me smile...and now I can't stop humming it :)

  22. Hmm, something about your blog feels different... winter make over?

  23. "Life's not fair, is it? You see, I.. well, I shall never be king. And you... shall never see the light of another day. Adieu." Great movie- lots of great quotes.

  24. Now I have Wheat Kings in my head. "Let's just see what the morning brings." That Can-Con just gets into your brain!

  25. One of the songs I listen to when thing go topsy-turvy. Love me some Jimmy Cliff on vocals.

  26. So weird. The grand nephews are watching that movie right now!

  27. Okay, this is JUST what I needed to see. PERFECT. Thanks. :)

  28. So true, Michael - so true! And I love Lion King and I LOVE that song! You've made my day - or my night, since it's getting late, but I'm all about it :) Thanks!

  29. I am such a geek becasue I think this is awesome! No lie, I am listening to 'Be Our Guest' from Beauty and the Beast right this moment.

    BTW, I know the rest of the Lovely coconut song *ahem* "I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts, deedly dee there they are a standing in a row, bum-bum-bum big ones, small ones, some as big as your head.... *wait for it* ... I put them in a row and this is what they said: oh I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts... (and it just goes round and round.) Okay it's past midnight and I think I'm getting slap happy.

  30. I'm late, as I seem to be all the time these days. It's grey and raining. This post is what I need.

  31. It's a nice song. It's hard not to feel better after watching the video.


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